Malifaux MALIFOOL'S DAY III turnir, subota 29.3.2014.
UMS "Agram" Vas poziva na treći MALIFOOL'S DAY Malifaux Turnir!
- - M2E
- - 80SS "pool", fixed faction
- - 40SS vojske
SPECIJALNO PRAVILO (vrijedi u sve tri partije):
THE RIFT IS ALL AROUND US - models that use their walk action can leave the board and enter on the opposite side (kind of like in the '80s video games). The models DO NOT have LOS through the rift, they can not charge or attack models on the opposite side of the rift (ie the opposite side of the board) in any way (even if they have the abbility that normally allows them to). Models can not be pushed or lured through the rift. They can only move through it using a normal walk action. Furthermore, they must be able to move through the rift and their whole base must be able to go through it in one Action (AP). If it can not, the model stops at the edge of the board and does not go through.
Bodovanje - TP - (0-9pts):
- pobjeda - 3 pts
- nerješeno - 1 pts
- poraz - 0 pts
u slučaju istog broja bodova više plasiran je igrač s većim brojem VP.
Bojanje (0-9pts):
- baziranje - 1pt (flok), 2pts (detalji)
- bojanje - 3pt (3 boje), 4pts (drybrush), 5pts (shading, layering itd..)
- ukupni dojam (bodovi se dobivaju ako je igrač sam bojao sve svoje figure!) - 1pt (uredno i precizno, wysiwyg), 2pts (ekstra detalji i/ili konverzije)
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