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Izložba minijatura i maketa Agram 2025

Datum događaja: 20.02.2025., 18:00h - 09.03.2025., 00:00h 15.01.2025., objavio Ana Polanšćak u Najavama i reportažama događanja

Dragi prijatelji, pozvani ste na Izložbu minijatura i maketa Agram 2025.


20. veljače - 09. ožujka 2025.

Svečano otvorenje: četvrtak 20. veljače 2025. u 18:00h

Galerija Vladimira Horvata (ZZTK)
Trg žrtava fašizma 14

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I ove godine, u sklopu Izložbe organiziramo brojne radionice, natjecanja i druga događanja.

Prvi vikend (22.02.-23.02) održat će se međunarodno natjecanje u bojanju minijatura Black Queen 2025. Ulaz na natjecanje, kao i sudj...

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Hobby kutak srijedom 2025

03.01.2025., objavio Krunoslav Belinić u Obavijestima iz radionice

Pozivamo vas na Hobby Kutak Srijedom!

Kino dvorana ZZTK, Trg žrtava fašizma 14, Zgb

Srijedama u 2025.

Vrijeme: 18:00 – 22:00

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Hobby Kutak Srijedom je zamišljen kao suma besplatnih aktivnosti u prostoru kojeg koristi UMS „Agram“ u terminima srijedom navečer. Većina aktivnosti je otvorena za sve, uz neke pogodnosti za članove UMS „Agram“ poput skladištenja minijatura (koje farbaju u otvorenim radionicama bojanja minijatura) u vitrinama između termina ...

Pročitaj više o "Hobby kutak srijedom 2025"

Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition 2025

Datum događaja: 22.02.2024., 08:00h - 23.02.2024., 18:00h 20.11.2024., objavio Marko Paunović u Najavama i reportažama događanja

Dragi prijatelji, minijaturisti i općenito prijatelji hobija!

Pozivamo vas na naše 19. godišnje natjecanje u bojanju minijatura Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition!




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U 2025., imamo neke promjene u formatu natjecanja. Dakle, što je novo, a što ostaje isto?


Prvo, ponovno će se održavati tijekom dva dana.

Drugo, bit će opet  dio većeg događaja u organizaciji @UMS Agram - Izložbe minijatura i stolnih terena „Agram“.


Pročitaj više o "Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition 2025"

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  • Vinjeta u okviru – Mos Pelgo, prvi dio
              array(2) {
      array(10) {
        string(3) "422"
        string(2) "35"
        string(36) "Framed diorama – Mos Pelgo, part 1"
        string(40) "Vinjeta u okviru – Mos Pelgo, prvi dio"
        string(31) "framed_diorama_mos_pelgo_part_1"
        string(35) "vinjeta_u_okviru_mos_pelgo_prvi_dio"
        string(6650) "

    During the weekend, 20-21.5.2023, we held a new weekend diorama making workshop called Vignette in a Frame. Over the course of two days, participants created a staged representation of a haustor/entrance of their own choice from about 10 offered designs, both historical and fantasy/SF themed. The subject of the workshop was the creation of a diorama with elements of stone, wood, metal, concrete/plaster. They placed a representation of the entrance to a building in a frame with internal dimensions of 10 x 15 cm. As part of this workshop, this SW base was assembled, which took almost two years to find its purpose. In the next two articles, we will describe how we painted it and how we painted the characters we placed on it.

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    The work at this stage was probably completed in the spring of 2023. In early 2025, I got an idea of what to do next. I decided on characters from the SW world – Cad Bane and his henchmen. The figures are from the game Shatterpoint and seemed to me to be just the right scale for this base.

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    I used masking tape to cover the parts of the facade that will be of a different color and created a two-tone scheme for the facade. I did the initial weathering with acrylics with a light application of dry paint.

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    Then came the addition of oil effects. I modulated the tone of the facade with beige, yellow and white oil. And I added the leak effects with olive green and black oil (oilbrusher).

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    To check, I looked at how the scene with the figures looked (I painted all the metal parts of the base black).

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    Satisfied with the result, I started painting the metal parts. I painted the bottom layer in several shades of silver tones. Then I added black and red-brown acrylic wash. And when everything was dry, I covered everything with Heavy Chipping and Scratches effect.

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    Once the effect had dried, I applied the base colors that the metal surfaces were painted in (beige and rotten cherry). After about 15 minutes of drying, I activated the chipping and scratches effects with water and got the desired result.

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    To finish the metal parts, it was necessary to paint the crate. I decided to use red spray paint, so I first "isolated" everything with masking tape. After drying, I repeated the process of activating the effects.

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    The last job before starting to paint the characters was adding rust to the metal parts and adding blaster holes to the facade. The rust was again done with oils – orange and dark red, in places by brushing, and in places to get a leaky effect. The blaster holes were drilled with a hobby knife and painted black and then beige. And finally I stained the floor and lower parts of the building beige, desert pigments.

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    " ["content_hrv"]=> string(6613) "

    Tijekom vikenda, 20.-21.5.2023., održali smo novu vikend radionicu izrade diorama pod nazivom Vinjeta u okviru. Polaznici su kroz dva dana izrađivali jedan scenski prikaz haustora/ulaza prema vlastitom izboru od 10-ak ponuđenih dizajna što povijesne što fantasy / SF tematike. Predmet radionice bila je izrada diorame sa elementima kamena, drva, metala, betona/žbuke. U okvir unutarnjih dimenzija 10 x 15 cm smjestili su prikaz ulaza u neku građevinu. U sklopu te radionice, složena je ova SW baza kojoj je trebalo skoro dvije godine da nađe svoju svrhu. U naredna dva članka opisat ćemo kako smo ju obojali te kako smo obojali i likove koje smo smjestili na nju.

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    Po prilici je u ovoj fazi završen rad u proljeće 2023. Početkom 2025. dobio sam ideju što i kako dalje. Odlučio sam se za likove iz SW svijeta – Cad Bane i njegovih pobočnika. Figure su iz igre Shatterpoint i činile su mi se taman u mjerilu za ovu bazu.

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    Maskirnom trakom sam obljepio dijelove fasade koje će biti druge boje te odradio dvobojnu shemu fasade. Početni weathering sam odradio akrilima laganim nanošenjem suhe boje.

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    Zatim je uslijedilo dodavanje uljnih efekata. Ton fasade sam modulirao sa bež, žutim i bijelim uljem. A efekte curenja sam dodao sa maslinasto zelenim i crnim uljem (oilbrusher).

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    Za provjeru sam pogledao kako izgleda scena sa figurama (obojao sam sve metalne dijelove baze u crno).

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    Zadovoljan rezultatom, krenuo sam na bojanje metalnih dijelova. Donji sloj sam obojao u nekoliko nijansi srebrnih tonova. Potom sam dodao crni i crveno-smeđi akrilni wash. Te kad je sve bilo suho, prekrio sam sve sa Heavy Chipping i Scratches efektom.

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    Kad se efekt osusio, nanio sam osnovne boje u koje su metalne površine obojane (bež i boja trule višnje). Nakon 15ak minuta sušenja sam vodom aktivirao chipping i scratches efekte i dobio željeni rezultat.

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    Za kraj metalnih dijelova, bilo je potrebno obojati i sanduk. Odlučio sam se za crveni sprej stoga sam prvo sve „izolirao“ maskirnom trakom. Nakon sušenja, ponovio sam postupak aktivacije efekata.

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    Zadnji posao prije bacanja na bojanje likova, bio je dodavanje hrđe na metalne dijelove i dodavanje rupa od blastera na fasadu. Hrđa je opet odrađena uljima – orange i dark red, mjestimično maljanjem, a mjestimično da se dobije efekt curenja. Rupe od blastera su izbušene hobby nožem i obojane u crno pa bež. I na kraju sam pod i donje dijelove zgrade zaprljao bež, pustinjskim pigmentima.

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    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2025-01-15 13:11:33" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-15 13:11:33" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(2) "35" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["first_name"]=> string(5) "Marko" ["last_name"]=> string(9) "Paunović" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(5) "marko" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(8) "paunovic" ["username"]=> string(5) "marko" ["password"]=> string(40) "3bd37b326d19d1880d3b93a4b32e8fb3a90fa122" ["born"]=> string(19) "2033-03-07 20:35:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2009-06-02 20:37:03" } }
    Marko Paunović, 15.01.2025.
  • Izrada zimske šume
              array(2) {
      array(10) {
        string(3) "421"
        string(2) "35"
        string(22) "Making a Winter Forest"
        string(19) "Izrada zimske šume"
        string(22) "making_a_winter_forest"
        string(18) "izrada_zimske_sume"
        string(4341) "

    In this short article, I will follow the process of creating a winter terrain – a forest as I showed it to the participants of the demonstration workshop as part of Advent in Agram 2024. Over three sessions, I went through all the steps necessary to create a forest under the snow.

    I decided to use a 5mm thick MDF board for the base.

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    I cut it to the desired dimensions using a jig saw.

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    Then I sanded the edges using a belt sander.

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    Then I mixed up a mud/slush mixture consisting of: PVA glue, textured crackling paint, modeling snow, glossy varnish, and clear water gel.

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    I applied the mixture with a brush and covered the entire base.

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    Since the plan was to cover the pine trees with snow, I could afford to use the cheapest pine trees I found at the hobby store (approx. 1€/piece).

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    After determining how many trees per base I would use, I drilled holes in the base using a model drill (in my case an electric drill, although a pin vice can be used for the same job).

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    I stuck the pines into the holes in the bases and glued them together with superglue.

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    Then I used a large paintbrush to paint the tips of the pine branches white (for a better base). Then I mixed a mixture of white paint, PVA glue, and modeling snow and used a large paintbrush to apply it to the base parts and the pine trees.

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    " ["content_hrv"]=> string(4393) "

    U ovom kratkom članku ću pratiti process izrade zimskog terena – šume kako sam ga prikazivao polaznicima ogledne radionice u sklopu Adventa u Agramu 2024. Kroz tri termina prošao sam kroz sve korake potrebne za izradu šume pod snijegom.

    Za bazu sam odlučio koristiti 5mm debelu ploču MDF-a.

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    Ispilio sam ju na željene dimenzije koristeći ubodnu modelarsku pilu.

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    Potom sam rubove pobrusio pomoću tračne brusilice.

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    Zatim sam umiješao mješavinu za blato/bljuzgu koja se sastoji od: PVA ljepila, teksturne crackling boje, modelarskog snijega, sjajnog laka te prozirnog gela za vodu.

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    Kistom sam nanio mješavinu i prekrio cijelu bazu.

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    S obzirom da je plan bio da borove prekrijem sniježnim pokrovom, mogao sam priuštiti koristiti najjeftinije borove koje sam našao u hobby dućanu (cca 1€/kom).

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    Nakon određivanja koliko stabala po pojedinoj bazi ću koristiti, izbušio sam u podlozi rupe koristeći modelarsku bušilicu (u mom slučaju električnu, iako se za isti posao može koristiti i ručna).

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    Borove sam upiknuo u rupe u bazama te zalijepio superljepilom.

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    Potom sam velikim kistom obojao vrhove grana borova u bijelo (radi bolje podloge). Potom sam umiješao smjesu bijele boje, PVA ljepila i modelarskog snijega te velikim kistom nanio na dijelove baze i borove.

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    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2025-01-08 09:02:54" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-08 09:02:54" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(2) "35" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["first_name"]=> string(5) "Marko" ["last_name"]=> string(9) "Paunović" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(5) "marko" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(8) "paunovic" ["username"]=> string(5) "marko" ["password"]=> string(40) "3bd37b326d19d1880d3b93a4b32e8fb3a90fa122" ["born"]=> string(19) "2033-03-07 20:35:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2009-06-02 20:37:03" } }
    Marko Paunović, 08.01.2025.
  • Diorama Alpi - drugi dio
              array(2) {
      array(10) {
        string(3) "420"
        string(2) "35"
        string(19) "Alps Diorama part 2"
        string(24) "Diorama Alpi - drugi dio"
        string(19) "alps_diorama_part_2"
        string(24) "diorama_alpi_-_drugi_dio"
        string(3135) "

    In the previous article, I started making the Alps diorama. The main “actor” of the diorama is a 1/87 scale oldtimer bus. In addition to it, the package also included a few figures. In this article, I will describe the end of the diorama.

    In the previous article, we went through everything from making the base to painting it and adding vegetation. The next step was drawing lines on the road. First, I protected the rest of the base with masking tape.

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    Then I painted the lines on the road with white paint.

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    Finally, I painted the gravel part of the parking lot a whitish color and added weathering of the tire tracks on the asphalt.

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    Then I placed the bus in the desired position.

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    This completed the creation and painting of the diorama base and all that was left was painting the miniatures. Since they were pre-painted at the factory, I decided to use that scheme, but due to poor execution, I did the entire painting from scratch. From the base colors, adding washes and finally adding highlights and textures.

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    After painting the figures, I placed them in place, completing the diorama.

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    " ["content_hrv"]=> string(3120) "

    U prošlom članku sam započeo sa izradom diorame Alpi. Glavni “akter” diorame je oldtimer autobus u mjerilu 1/87. Pored njega u paketu došla je i nekolicina figura. U ovom članku opisat ću kraj izrade diorame.

    U prošlom članku smo prošli sve od izrade preko bojanja baze sve do dodavanja vegetacije. Sljedeći korak bilo je iscrtavanje crta po cesti. Prvo sam zaštitio ostatak baze maskirnom trakom.

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    Zatim sam obojao bijelom bojom crte na cesti.

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    Za kraj, makadamski dio na ugibalištu obojao sam u bjelkastu boju te dodao “weathering” tragova kotača po asfaltu.

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    Potom sam postavio autobus na željenu poziciju.

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    Time je okončana izrada i bojanje baze diorame i sve što je preostalo bilo je bojanje minijatura. S obzirom da su bile tvornički predobojane odlučio sam iskoristiti tu shemu, ali zbog loše izvedbe, cjelokupno bojanje sam izveo ispočetka. Od baznih boja, dodavanja washeva i na kraju dodavanja highlighta i tekstura.

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    Nakon bojanja figura, postavio sam ih na mjesto i time zgotovio dioramu.

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    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2025-01-02 14:25:55" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2025-01-02 14:25:55" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(2) "35" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["first_name"]=> string(5) "Marko" ["last_name"]=> string(9) "Paunović" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(5) "marko" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(8) "paunovic" ["username"]=> string(5) "marko" ["password"]=> string(40) "3bd37b326d19d1880d3b93a4b32e8fb3a90fa122" ["born"]=> string(19) "2033-03-07 20:35:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2009-06-02 20:37:03" } }
    Marko Paunović, 02.01.2025.
  • Agram u 2024. iliti 2024. u Agramu
              array(2) {
      array(10) {
        string(3) "419"
        string(2) "35"
        string(31) "Agram 2024 – A Year In Review"
        string(34) "Agram u 2024. iliti 2024. u Agramu"
        string(27) "agram_2024_a_year_in_review"
        string(32) "agram_u_2024_iliti_2024_u_agramu"
        string(52634) "

    The end of this year 2024 has come, in which after the chaotic 2023, things have returned to normal again, and in which, in addition to traditional programs, we introduced two new programs and published two new books! The first program builds on the 2023 partnership with Back to Basics and consists of miniature coloring workshops for the youngest that we conducted in the City of Zagreb Libraries, while the second program is the Agram Lego Section. Read about all of this, as well as the two new books, below.

    I n s t A G R A M

    Another novelty is that since 2024, UMS Agram has its own Instagram profile . During 2024, we published around 150 posts and gathered almost 200 followers!

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    But let's go back to the beginning of the year, which, like every year, began with our traditional Exhibition...

    E X H I B I T I O N   O F   M I N I A T U R E S   A N D   T A B L E T O P   S C E N E R Y

    We started the year with preparations for our annual Miniatures and Models Exhibition, during which we also organized a weekend miniature painting workshop and, for the fifth time this term, our international miniature painting competition, the Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition. As always, the Exhibition presented a cross-section of the work of the Association, its members, participants of its courses and workshops, and members of the Miniature Painters Croatia FB group. In a large number of showcases, there were numerous miniatures for tabletop strategy games, board games, and an entire showcase was dedicated to award-winning exhibits from previous miniature competitions. Several showcases were dedicated to projects that the Association has been implementing for 21 years, such as the UMS "Agram" Library and Reading Room, the Spatial Model Making Workshop, and the Miniature Painting Workshop. The works of our member Ana Polanšćak had a special place in the showcases.

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    Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Scenery Agram 2024 was held this year from 22.2. to 10.03. 2024. The exhibition was held on Wednesday 21.2. in the afternoon and was attended by a large number of members and friends of the Association who exhibited their works.

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    As always, the Exhibition presented a cross-section of the work of the Association, its members, participants of its courses and workshops, and members of the Miniature Painters Croatia FB group. A large number of showcases contained numerous miniatures for tabletop strategy games, board games, and an entire showcase was dedicated to award-winning exhibits from previous miniature competitions. Several showcases were dedicated to projects that the Association has been implementing for 21 years, such as the UMS “Agram” Library and Reading Room, the Workshop for Making Spatial Models, and the Miniature Painting Workshop.

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    This year we hosted a special exhibitor, Gardens of Hecate. A Zagreb-based craft that makes and paints miniatures and terrains for tabletop strategy games.

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    During the first weekend of the Exhibition, February 24-25, we held the 18th annual international miniature painting competition Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition!

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    As contestants arrived and registered for the competition, our hardworking staff photographed all the exhibits before sorting them into categories and carefully placing them in glass cases.

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    This year, for the first time, we organized demonstrations of the tabletop strategy games Forbidden Psalm and The Doomed. Over the course of both days, a handful of games were played on beautiful terrain!

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    During the weekend our sponsors were present with their sellers' booths: The Bigbear Miniatures, The Zone Miniatures i Carta Magica.

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    The Vladimir Horvat Gallery space allows for workshops to be held over the weekend. Therefore, we organized three demonstration workshops over the weekend. This year, the workshops were held in a cinema hall. The lecturers' work was recorded with a camera and projected onto a projection screen in the hall.

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    Throughout the weekend, we held our new workshops for the youngest, in which our youngest participants painted their first miniatures.

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    On Sunday afternoon, a miniature speed painting competition was held. Participants had 90 minutes to paint one miniature. Thanks to our sponsor Hobby Chest, who provided us with a large donation of painting materials from AK Interactive, we organized a miniature speed painting competition.

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    With that, we came to the very end of this wonderful weekend and all that remained was the distribution of prizes and awards to the winners.

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    Over the next two weeks, our volunteers held open miniature painting workshops on weekdays from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Miniature painting workstations were set up where our visitors could paint miniatures we had prepared (or their own if they had brought them) using our materials and tools.

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    On Wednesday 06.03.2024. the annual session of the Assembly was held, where we determined the guidelines for work in 2024..

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    W E E K E N D   M I N I A T U R E   P A I N T I N G   W O R K S H O P S

    During the second weekend of the Exhibition, March 4-5, we organized a MINITURE PAINTING WORKSHOP – Frostgrave.

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    The workshop was held over two days (the whole weekend) and participants painted five different figures for the Frostgrave game, which can also be used for DND sessions. The focus of these lectures is coloring several miniatures at once, but the knowledge from the workshop is equally applicable to coloring armies for boardgames and a collection of figures for pen&paper rpgs. Each participant received 1 wizard (male/female), 3 warriors (2 male and 1 female or 2 female and 1 male) and 1 male barbarian. The workshop presented paints and accessories, preparation of figures, several techniques for coloring miniatures from basic to more advanced, and techniques and tricks for quickly and efficiently coloring large quantities of figures at once. As part of the workshop, water-based acrylic paints were used. The lectures are adapted so that the leaders devote equal time to all participants and can be adapted to all categories of miniaturists (from beginners to slightly advanced).

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    During the weekend, May 4th-5th, we organized a MINITURE PAINTING WORKSHOP – Bretonnia.

    The workshop was held over two days and the participants painted a Bretonnian knight on horseback for the tabletop strategy game Warhammer The Old World. The focus of these lectures was painting multiple miniatures at once, but the knowledge from the workshop is equally applicable to painting armies for board games and collections of figures for pen&paper RPGs. Each participant assembled their own knight with a spear, shield and ornamental helmet as well as a horse according to their own wishes. The workshop presented paints and accessories, figure preparation, several techniques for painting miniatures from basic to advanced, as well as techniques for applying stickers, and finally basing the figure. Water-based acrylic paints were used as part of the workshop..

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    The workshop included the following thematic units: 1. Planning and preparation and assembly of miniatures 2. Processing miniatures before painting 3. Basic colors 4. Shading and highlighting techniques 5. Placing matte stickers 6. Freehand basics

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    During the weekend, 21-22.9.2024, we held a new weekend miniature painting workshop called Dragon Busts. Guided by this, the organizers selected suitable dragon busts by the famous miniaturist Karol Rudyk, which all participants painted. Each participant received a unique bust from his set of busts limited to 100 copies. As part of the workshop, acrylic paints were primarily used, but oil effects could also be used.

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    The participants learned how to properly prepare a resin figure/bust before painting and then made an inner base for the frame from balsa, into which they placed their dragons at the very end of the workshop. This time, each participant was able to explore various effects through their painting at their own discretion. The choice of “color scheme” or whether they want to use OSL effects or anything else is left to the participant.


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    B A C K   T O   B A S I C S   Miniature   Painting   Workshops

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    In 2024, we started a new program called Back to Basics miniature painting workshops for the youngest in collaboration with the Zagreb City Libraries. We held a total of four workshops during October and November with 29 participants, our youngest fellow citizens.

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    A G R A M    L E G O    S E C T I O N

    As part of our Agram Lego Section, we have been organizing a series of expert lectures related to our current group LEGO project since 2024. Our experts lead lectures in various fields such as architecture, mechanical engineering, naval architecture, sculpture, etc. In 2024, we covered the topic of Hogwarts – sacral and fortification architecture of the Middle Ages.

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    A G R A M   G R O U P   B U I L D

    As part of this UMS "Agram" project called Agram Group Build which was created after Kruno and Marko talked about joint projects on Wednesdays and how cool it would be to bring more people together on Wednesdays to work on something together. From that came the idea of Group Builds. In 2024 we worked on a series of busts of Musketeers .

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    W E D N E S D A Y' S    H O B B Y    C O R N E R

    Wednesday's Hobby Corner is conceived as a collection of free activities in the space used by UMS "Agram" during Wednesday evening sessions. Most activities are open to everyone, with some benefits for UMS "Agram" members, such as storing miniatures in display cases between sessions or borrowing books from our extensive Library.

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    A G R A M   A R E N A   S U M M E R   –   T U R M   2 0 2 4

    Turm 2024, part of Agram Arena Summer, organized by UMS "Agram" and Gardens of Hecate, took place in July 2024 in Zagreb.

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    UMS “Agram” has a tradition of awarding the best painted models/military at our events, which we could not miss at this visually stunning event.

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    A D V E N T   I N   A G R A M U

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    During November and December, we organized a program called Advent in Agram, which consisted of interactive workshops on making Christmas balls and shorter demonstration workshops during December. Interactive workshops involve participants making their own models according to instructions and under the supervision of a leader. No registration is required for the demonstration workshops in December, and they consist of a series of separate topics that cover model-making methods, effects, and materials related to the winter period, such as making snow, ice, and the like, which the lecturer demonstrates from behind the desk. As part of Advent, we organized:

    Miniature Photography Workshop

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    Demonstrations In Making Winter Terrain

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    Workshop for making Christmas decoration in shape of a Hobbit Hole

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    Secret Santa

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    Bits and Miniatures Fleamarket

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    Kup Zagreb

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    The Zagreb Cup, a model-making competition organized by ZMMS, was held this year over two days on May 18-19, 2024, at Family Mall. The organizer asked us to participate by presenting our programs and projects, which we were happy to do.

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    Svet v Malem, Pivka, Slovenija

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    Svet v Malem, a model-making competition, was held at the Museum of Military History in Pivka, Slovenia, on May 25, 2024. We also presented our programs and activities at this competition. For the first time, our Norwegian member, Sebastian, came with us, for whom this was also the first competition abroad in which he participated. In addition to the competition, as is tradition, our Slovenian partner Back to Basics and organized demonstration workshops on painting miniatures. Our Marko was also invited to hold one – on quick painting of the Bretonnian Man-at-Arms.

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    “First of all, the venue is perfect for a miniature convention. The Military History Park in Pivka has an interesting story, and learning about its historical and geographical importance, as well as Yugoslav military history in their museum, was certainly interesting, although for me the best part of the place were the large planes, helicopters, tanks and cars hanging or standing around the venue. This provides a perfect complement and contrast to all the tiny miniatures on display. The exhibition mostly consisted of military and historical vehicles, dioramas or displays, but the three of us entered in the slightly smaller categories of "Wargaming", "What If (Sci-fi)", "Movie Scenes", "Bust" and "Figures of All Scales". Even here, there were some pretty good entries. But most impressive of all were some of the dioramas depicting historical military events (also complementing the museum exhibits and several historical artifacts housed there), such as Winter Relax, Alsace 1944, a "Best of Show" from Moson. This large rotating diorama, complete with well-lit interiors and a completely realistic winter scene of vehicles, soldiers and equipment, was so impressive to me that we also awarded it the BEST OF SHOW by UMS AGRAM award and presented it to the author, Giampiero Bianchi.”

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    International TableTop Day 2024, Jalžabet

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    On June 8th, we organized an interactive miniature painting workshop as part of International Tabletop Day 2024 in Jalžabet near Varaždin.

    Our Mario, with the help of local Viking Sebastian, led a miniature painting workshop that was supposed to last two hours, from 10 am to 12 pm. However, due to great interest, the duration was extended to almost 5 pm.

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    PSMK 2024, Budapest, Hungary

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    In parallel with the workshop in Jalžabet, our second delegation headed to Budapest to represent UMS Agram at the international model-making competition PSMK 2024. Our team, Kruno and Marko, headed there on Friday and stayed until Sunday, even though the competition itself was a one-day event.

    Upon arrival in Budapest, we joined the miniaturist team for a welcome dinner with Hungarian specialties. Throughout the weekend, it was a pleasure to exchange experiences and knowledge with world-class figures such as Margot Crombeecke, Chloe Plattner, James Zhou and Miklos Bute.

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    On Saturday morning, we arrived at the competition and set up our stand (which later won a “We Like It” souvenir from the organizers). We then placed the exhibits in the corresponding categories and the competition could begin.

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    After a short deliberation, the decision to award the BEST OF SHOW by UMS AGRAM was easy to award to Chloe Plattner's wonderful display.

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    Kamping Kitbash

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    Kamping Kitbash is a three-day event dedicated to indie board games and miniatures making. This is the first edition of Kamping Kitbash, and it took place at BROEI - a converted old factory near the center of Ghent, and was organized by Nerdlab, a local collective dedicated to promoting the fusion of fine art and technology.

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    Throughout the weekend, there were large tables where we could all model and paint miniatures, as well as piles of figures, parts, paints, tools, brushes and kitbashing supplies.

    There was at least one workshop every day of the Kitbashing Camp. On the first day, Helge (@wilhelminiatures) led a workshop on polymer clay modeling, and Terran (@conjuredcraft) on face modeling for beginners. On Saturday, there was a workshop on experimental painting led by our own Ana, and Arjan ( on silicone mold making and resin casting of miniatures. On Sunday, Tara (@manglingminis) had a workshop on tabletop game design.

    Modelling Cup Crna Kraljica 2024

    On 05.10.2024. we performed at the Black Queen organized by HUVM. In addition to the presentation stand, our members competed and achieved notable success (all our competitors won at least a medal). Congratulations!

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    On October 18th and 19th, 2024, we participated in the XIII Days of Technical Culture organized by the Zagreb Technical Culture Association.

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    On Friday, we held three demonstrations of model-making and miniaturist techniques (Ana, Marko and Sebastian) and participated in the Forum organized by SUPTK and DPTK with a presentation about the miniaturist and model-making workshops we organize.

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    On Saturday, after the official opening ceremony, we presented a new book published by UMS Agram - Miniaturism in the post-Corona era and held two series of Back to Basics workshops. The participants painted their first figures! After both days, it's time for our volunteers to have some well-deserved relaxation!

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    26.10. we performed at Model Mania Zagreb with the presentation of our programs:

    - Advent in Agram
    - Back To Basics miniatures coloring workshop for the youngest in the Reading Room and VN Gallery, 09.11.2024.
    - Exhibition of miniatures and models Agram 2025
    - Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition by UMS Agram

    and for the youngest we organized Back To Basics miniature painting workshops.

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    KZMZ Train Exhibition

    On Friday, May 24th, at the invitation of the organizers of KZMZ, we visited the Train Exhibition held at the Family Mall.

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    FESTUNG CUP in Slavonski Brod

    Our Vanja Ilijev performed at this year's FESTUNG CUP in Slavonski Brod.

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    National championship of Slovenia in plastic modeling

    On Saturday, 16.11.2024. in Ljubljana, the Slovenian National Championship in plastic modeling was held. Our delegation performed in several categories.

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    It was a special pleasure for us to present and give away several copies of our latest issue to our partners and friends from Back to Basics!

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    Big Panda and Tiny Dragon, Character Drawing Workshop

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    During this year's Interliber, James Norbury, author of the books about the Big Panda and the Tiny Dragon, held several different events and meetings with readers. On Friday, November 15th, I had the opportunity to participate in a workshop on drawing characters from his books. Since James is an illustrator and his works include abstract landscapes, fantasy art, SF and cyberpunk comics, drawings and graphics, it was interesting for me to see how the panda and dragon characters are created using the technique of Japanese Zen painters.


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    And finally, our most comprehensive program should be mentioned. The online publication of articles from miniatures and model making that began in 2020 continued in the following years, including in 2024, with over 50 published articles this year. Hereby we would like to thank all members for their effort and commitment in making miniatures and models, but especially for taking the time to photograph work in progress and writing articles for our site.

    B O O K S    P U B L I S H E D   B Y   U M S   „A G R A M“

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    During 2024, we published two books. The first is a Collection of Articles on Miniaturism and Modeling, the second part of which is called Miniaturism in the Post-Corona Era. The second book is the second, expanded Back to Basics edition of the Miniature Painting for Beginners manual.

    UMS „Agram“ wishes you a happy New Year! See you in 2025!

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    Došao je kraj i ovoj 2024. godini u kojoj su se nakon kaotične 2023. opet stvari vratile koliko toliko u normalu i u kojoj smo pored tradicionalnih programa uveli dva nova programa te izdali dvije nove knjige! Prvi program se nadovezuje na partnerstvo iz 2023. sa Back to Basics i sastoji se od radionica bojanja minijatura za najmlađe koje smo provodili u Knjižnicama Grada Zagreba, dok je drugi program Agram Lego Sekcija. O svemu tome, kao i o dvama novim knjigama, pročitajte u nastavku.

    I n s t A G R A M

    Još jedna novost jest da od 2024. UMS Agram ima svoj Instagram profil. Tijekom 2024. smo objavili 150ak objava i sakupili skoro 200 pratitelja!

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    No vratimo se na početak godine, koji je kao i svaki puta započeo sa našom tradicionalnom Izložbom...

    I Z L O Ž B A   M I N I J A T U R A   I   M A K E T A   A G R A M   2 0 2 4

    Godinu smo započeli pripremama za našu godišnju Izložbu minijatura i maketa tijekom koje smo organizirali i vikend radionicu bojanja minijatura te po peti puta u ovom terminu naše međunarodno natjecanje u bojanju minijatura Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition. Kao i uvijek, Izložba je prikazivala presjek rada Udruge, njenih članova, polaznika njenih tečajeva i radionica te članova FB grupe Miniature Painters Croatia. U velikom broju vitrina našle su se brojne minijature za stolne strateške igre, igre na tabli, a cijela jedna vitrina posvećena je nagrađenim izlošcima sa prethodnih minijaturističkih natjecanja. Nekoliko vitrina bilo je posvećeno projektima koje Udruga već 21 godinu provodi poput Knjižnice i čitaonice UMS „Agram“, Radionice za izradu prostornih maketa i Radionice bojanja minijatura. Posebno mjesto u vitrinama imali su radovi naše članice Ane Polanšćak.

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    Izložba minijatura i maketa "Agram 2024" održala se ove godine od 22.2. do 10.03. 2024. Postavljanje izložbe je održano u srijedu 21.2. u popodnevnim satima i sudjelovao je velik broj članova kao i prijatelja Udruge koji su izlagali svoje radove.

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    Kao i uvijek, Izložba je prikazivala presjek rada Udruge, njenih članova, polaznika njenih tečajeva i radionica te članova FB grupe Miniature Painters Croatia. U velikom broju vitrina našle su se brojne minijature za stolne strateške igre, igre na tabli, a cijela jedna vitrina posvećena je nagrađenim izlošcima sa prethodnih minijaturističkih natjecanja. Nekoliko vitrina bilo je posvećeno projektima koje Udruga već 21 godinu provodi poput Knjižnice i čitaonice UMS „Agram“, Radionice za izradu prostornih maketa i Radionice bojanja minijatura.

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    Ove smo godine ugostili posebnog izlagača Gardens of Hecate. Zagrebački obrt koji se bavi izradom i bojanjem minijatura i terena za stolne strateške igre.

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    Tijekom prvog vikenda Izložbe, 24.-25.02.,održali smo 18. godišnje međunarodno natjecanje u bojanju minijatura Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition!

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    Kako su natjecatelji pristizali i prijavljivali se na natjecanje, naše vrijedno osoblje je fotografiralo sve izloške prije nego li su ih rasporedili po kategorijama i pažljivo ih postavili u staklene vitrine.

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    Ove godine po prvi puta smo organizirali demonstracije stolnih strateških igara Forbidden Psalm i The Doomed. Tijekom oba dana odigran je pregršt partija na predivnim terenima!

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    Tijekom vikenda ugostili smo naše sponzore sa njihovim prodajnim štandovima: The Bigbear Miniatures, The Zone Miniatures i Carta Magica.

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    Prostor galerije Vladimira Horvata omogućuje održavanje radionica tijekom vikenda. Stoga smo tijekom vikenda organizirali tri ogledne radionice. Ove godine radionice su se održavale u kino dvorani. Rad predavača snimao se kamerom i projicirao na projekcijsko platno u dvorani.

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    Tijekom cijelog vikenda održavali smo naše nove radionice za najmlađe u kojima su naši najmlađi polaznici bojali svoje prve minijature.

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    U nedjelju popodne održano je i natjecanje u brzom bojanju minijatura. Sudionici su imali 90 minuta vremena da obojaju jednu minijaturu. Zahvaljujući našem sponzoru Hobby Chest, koji nam je osigurao veliku donaciju materijala za bojanje od AK Interactive, organizirali smo jedno natjecanje u brzom bojanju minijatura prema sljedećim pravilima:

    - natjecatelji imaju 90 minuta da oboje minijaturu

    - svi natjecatelji bojaju istu (isti tip) minijaturu

    - osigurali smo boje od AK Interactive

    - osigurali smo kistove od AK Interactive.

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    S time smo došli do samoga kraja ovog predivnog vikenda i sve što je preostalo je bila podjela nagrada i priznanja pobjednicima.

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    Tijekom naredna dva tjedna, naši volonteri su radnim danima od 16:00 do 20:00, držali otvorene radionice bojanja minijatura. Postavljene su radne stanice za bojanje minijatura na kojoj su naši posjetitelji mogli bojati minijature koje smo priredili (ili svoje ukoliko su ih donijeli) koristeći naše materijale i alate.

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    U srijedu 06.03.2024. održana je godišnja sjednica Skupštine na kojoj smo odredili smjernice rada u 2024..

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    V I K E N D    R A D I O N I C E    B O J A NJ A    M I N I J A T U R A

    Tijekom drugog vikenda Izložbe, 04.-05.03., organizirali smo RADIONICU BOJANJA MINIJATURA – Frostgrave.

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    Radionica se provodila kroz dva dana (cijeli vikend) i polaznici su bojali pet različitih figura za igru Frostgrave, a koje se mogu koristiti i za DND sessione. Fokus ovih predavanja je bojenje više minijatura odjednom, no znanja s radionice jednako su primjenjiva i na bojenje vojski za boardgame igre te kolekcija figura za pen&paper rpg-ove. Svaki polaznik je dobio 1 wizarda (muški/ženski), 3 warriora (2 muška i 1 ženski ili 2 ženska i 1 muški) te 1 muškog barbariana. Na radionici su bile predstavljene boje i pribor, priprema figura, nekoliko tehnika bojenja minijatura od osnovnih do naprednijih, te tehnike i trikovi za brzo i efikasno bojenje većih količina figura odjednom. U sklopu radionice korištene su akrilne boje na bazi vode. Predavanja su prilagođena tako da voditelji posveti jednako vrijeme svim polaznicima i može se prilagoditi svim kategorijama minijaturista (od početnika do malo naprednijih).

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    Tijekom vikenda, 04.-05.05., organizirali smo RADIONICU BOJANJA MINIJATURA – Bretonnia.

    Radionica se provodila kroz dva dana i polaznici su bojali bretonnijskog viteza na konju za stolnu stratešku igru Warhammer The Old World. Fokus ovih predavanja bilo je bojenje više minijatura odjednom, no znanja s radionice jednako su primjenjiva i na bojenje vojski za boardgame igre te kolekcija figura za pen&paper rpg-ove. Svaki polaznik je sastavio svojeg viteza sa kopljem, štitom te ornamentnom kacigom kao i konja prema vlastitom nahođenju. Na radionici su bile predstavljene boje i pribor, priprema figura, nekoliko tehnika bojenja minijatura od osnovnih do naprednijih, te tehnike postavljanja naljepnica, a na kraju i baziranja figure.U sklopu radionice bile su korištene akrilne boje na bazi vode..

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    Radionica je uključivala sljedeće tematske cjeline: 1. Planiranje i priprema te sastavljanje minijatura 2. Obrada minijatura prije bojanja 3. Osnovne boje 4. Tehnike shadinga i highlighta 5. Postavljanje naljepnica bez sjaja 6. Osnove freehanda

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    Tijekom vikenda, 21.-22.9.2024., održali smo novu vikend radionicu bojanja minijatura pod nazivom Biste zmajeva. Time vođeni, organizatori su izabrali prikladne biste zmajeva poznatog minijaturista Karola Rudyka koje su svi polaznici bojali. Svaki polaznik dobio je unikatnu bistu iz njegovog seta bisti limitiranog na 100 primjeraka. U sklopu radionice, primarno su korištene akrilne boje, ali mogli su se koristiti i uljni efekti.

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    Polaznici su naučili kako pravilno pripremiti rezinsku figuru/bistu prije bojanja te su potom od balze izradili unutrašnju bazu za okvir u koje su na samom kraju radionice smjestili svoje zmajeve. Ovog puta svaki polaznik je mogao istraživati kroz svoje bojanje razne efekte po vlastitom nahođenju. Izbor “color sheme” ili pak da li želi koristiti efekte OSL-a ili bilo čega drugoga, prepušeno je samom polazniku.

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    B A C K   T O   B A S I C S    Radionice   za   najmlađe

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    2024. smo započeli novi program pod nazivom Back to Basics radionice bojanja minijatura za najmlađe u suradnji sa Knjižnicama Grada Zagreba. Ukupno smo održali četiri radionice tijekom listopada i studenog sa 29 polaznika, naših najmlađih sugrađana.

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    A G R A M    L E G O    S E K C I J A

    Kao dio naše Agram Lego Sekcije, od 2024. organiziramo serije stručnih predavanja vezanih na naš trenutni grupni LEGO projekt. Naši stručnjaci vode predavanja iz raznih područja poput arhitekture, strojarstva, brodogradnje, kiparstva i slično. U 2024. smo obradili temu Hogwartsa – sakralne i fortifikacijske arhitekture srednjeg vijeka.

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    A G R A M     G R O U P    B U I L D

    U sklopu ovog projekta UMS „Agram” pod nazivom Agram Group Build koji je nastao nakon što su Kruno i Marko srijedama razgovarali o zajedničkim projektima i kako bi bilo cool okupiti više ljudi srijedama oko rada na zajedničkom nečemu. Iz toga se izrodila ideja o Group Buildovima. U 2024. smo radili na seriji bisti Njušketira.

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    H O B B Y    K U T A K    S R I J E D O M

    Hobby Kutak Srijedom je zamišljen kao suma besplatnih aktivnosti u prostoru kojeg koristi UMS „Agram” u terminima srijedom navečer. Većina aktivnosti je otvorena za sve, uz neke pogodnosti za članove UMS „Agram” poput skladištenja minijatura u vitrinama između termina ili pak posuđivanje knjiga iz naše bogate Knjižnice.

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    A G R A M    A R E N A    S U M M E R    –    T U R M    2 0 2 4

    Turm 2024, dio Agram Arena Summer, u organizaciji UMS "Agram" i Gardens of Hecate održao se u srpnju 2024 u Zagrebu.

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    UMS “Agram” ima tradiciju nagrađivanja najbolje obojanih modela/vojski na našim događanjima, što nismo smjeli propustiti na ovom vizualno zadivljujućem događaju.

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    A D V E N T    U    A G R A M U

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    Tijekom studenog i prosinca organizirali smo program pod nazivom Advent u Agramu koji se sastojao od interaktivnih radionica izrade božićnih kuglicate kraćih oglednih radionica tijekom prosinca. Interaktivne radionice podrazumijevaju da polaznici izrađuju vlastite makete prema uputama i pod paskom voditelja. Za ogledne radionice u prosincu nisu potrebne prijave, a sastoje se od niza zasebnih tema koje obrađuju maketarske metode, efekte i materijale koji su vezani za zimski period poput izrade snijega, leda i sličnog koje predavač pokazuje za katedrom. U sklopu Adventa smo organizirali:

    Radionica fotografiranja minijatura

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    Ogledne radionice maketarskih tehnika – izrada zimskih terena

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    Radionica izrade božićne kugle u obliku hobitske rupe

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    Secret Santa

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    Buvljak minijatura i bitseva

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    Kup Zagreb

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    Kup Zagreb, maketarsko natjecanje u organizaciji ZMMS, ove godine je održano kroz dva dana 18.-19.5.2024. u Family Mallu. Organizator nas je zamolio da sudjelujemo prezentacijom naših programa i projekata na što smo se sa zadovoljstvom odazvali.

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    Svet v Malem, Pivka, Slovenija

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    Svet v Malem, maketarsko natjecanje je održano u Muzeju vojne povijesti u Pivki u Sloveniji 25. svibnja 2024. I na ovom natjecanju smo prezentirali naše programe i aktivnosti. Po prvi puta s nama je išao i naš norveški član, Sebastian kojem je ovo ujedno bilo i prvo natjecanje u inozemstvu na kojem je sudjelovao. Pored natjecanja, već tradicionalno, naš slovenski partner Back to Basics i su organizirali ogledne radionice bojanja minijatura. Naš Marko je također bio pozvan da održi jednu – o brzom bojanju bretonskog Man-at-Armsa.

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    “Prije svega, mjesto održavanja je savršeno za minijaturnu konvenciju. Park vojne povijesti u Pivki ima zanimljivu priču, a učiti o njegovoj povijesnoj i geografskoj važnosti, kao i o jugoslavenskoj vojnoj povijesti u njihovom muzeju, svakako je bilo zanimljivo, iako su meni najbolji dio mjesta bili veliki zrakoplovi, helikopteri , tenkovi i automobili koji vise ili stoje oko mjesta događaja. To donosi savršenu nadopunu i kontrast svim sićušnim minijaturama koje su izložene. Izložba se većinom sastojala od vojnih i povijesnih vozila, diorama ili displeja, no nas troje prijavili smo se u nešto manjim kategorijama "Wargaming", "What If (Sci-fi)", "Filmske scene", "Bust" i " Brojke svih razmjera". Čak i ovdje, bilo je prilično dobrih unosa. Ali najdojmljivije od svega bile su neke od diorama koje su prikazivale povijesne vojne događaje (također nadopunjujući muzejske izloške i nekoliko povijesnih artefakata koji se tamo nalaze), poput Winter Relax, Alsace 1944., "Best of Show" iz Mosona. Ova velika diorama koja se vrti, zajedno s dobro osvijetljenim interijerima i potpuno realističnim zimskim prizorom vozila, vojnika i opreme, bila mi je zadivljujuća pa smo joj dodijelili i BEST OF SHOW by UMS AGRAM nagradu i uručili je autoru Giampieru Bianchiju.”

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    International TableTop Day 2024, Jalžabet

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    8. Lipnja smo organizirali interaktivnu radionicu bojanja minijatura u sklopu International Tabletop Day 2024 u Jalžabetu pored Varaždina.

    Naš Mario, uz pomoć lokalnog vikinga Sebastiana, vodio je radionicu bojanja minijatura koja je po program trebala trajati dva sata, od 10 do 12. Međutim, zbog velikog interesa, vrijeme trajanja je produljeno do skoro 17h.

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    PSMK 2024, Budimpešta, Mađarska

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    Paralelno sa radionicom u Jalžabetu, naša druga delegacija se uputila u Budimpeštu braniti boje UMS Agram na međunarodnom maketarskom natjecanju PSMK 2024. Naša ekipa, Kruno i Marko, uputili su se tamo u petak te ostali do nedjelje, iako je samo natjecanje bilo jednodnevno.

    Po dolasku u Budimpeštu, pridružili smo se minijaturističkoj ekipi na večeri dobrodošlice uz mađarske specijalitete. Tijekom cijelog vikenda bio je gušt izmjenjivati iskustva i znanja sa svjetskim veličinama poput Margot Crombeecke, Chloe Plattner, Jamesom Zhouom te Miklosem Buteom.

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    U subotu ujutro, stigli smo na natjecanje te postavili naš stand (koji je kasnije osvojio “We Like It” spomenicu od organizatora. Potom smo postavili izloške u pripadajuće kategorije i natjecanje je moglo početi.

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    Nakon kraćeg vijećanja, odluka za dodijelu BEST OF SHOW by UMS AGRAM je bilo lako dodijeliti za predivni display Chloe Plattner.

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    Kamping Kitbash

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    Kamping Kitbash je trodnevno događanje koje se bavi indie stolnim igrama i izradom minijatura. Ovo je prvo izdanje Kamping Kitbasha, i održano je u BROEI - prenamijenjenoj staroj tvornici u blizini centra Genta, a organizirano je kroz Nerdlab, lokalni kolektiv koji se bavi promicanjem spoja likovne umjetnosti i tehnologije.

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    Tijekom cijelog vikenda na raspolaganju su bili veliki stolovi gdje smo svi mogli modelirati i bojati minijature, kao i hrpe figura, dijelova, boja, alata, kistova i grenstuffa za kitbashing.

    Svaki dan Kamping Kitbasha održavala se barem jedna radionica. Prvi dan je Helge (@wilhelminiatures ) vodio radionicu o modeliranju s polimernom glinom, a Terran ( @c onjuredcraft ) o modeliranju lica za početnike. U subotu je bila radionica o eksperimentalnom bojanju koju je vodila naša Ana, i Arjanova ( ) o izradi kalupa iz silikona i lijevanju minijatura u rezinu. Tara (@manglingminis ) je u nedjelju imao radionicu o dizajnu tabletop igara.

    Maketarski kup Crna Kraljica 2024

    05.10.2024. nastupili smo na Crnoj kraljici u organizaciji HUVM. Pored prezentacijskog štanda, naši članovi su se natjecali i ostvarili zapažen uspjeh (svi naši natjecatelji osvojili su barem po medalju). Čestitke!

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    18. i 19.10. 2024. smo sudjelovali na XIII danima tehničke kulture u organizaciji Zagebačke zajednice tehničke kulture.

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    U petak smo održali tri pokazne demonstracije maketarsko-minijaturističkih tehnika (Ana, Marko i Sebastijan) te sudjelovali na Tribini u organizaciji SUPTK i DPTK sa prezentacijom o minijaturističkim i maketarskim radionicama koje organiziramo.

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    U subotu nakon službene ceremonije otvaranja smo prezentirali novu knjigu u izdanju UMS Agram - Minijaturizam u doba nakon Corone te održali dvije serije Back to Basics radionica. Polaznici su obojali svoje prve figure! Nakon oba dana došlo je vrijeme i za zasluženu relaksaciju naših volontera!

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    26.10. smo nastupili na Model Mania Zagreb sa prezentacijom naših programa:

    - Advent u Agramu
    - Back To Basics radionice bojanja minijatura za najmlađe u Čitaonici i Galeriji VN, 09.11.2024.
    - Izložba minijatura i maketa Agram 2025
    - Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition by UMS Agram

    a za najmlađe smo organizirali Back To Basics radionice bojanja minijatura.

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    Izložba vlakova KZMZ

    U petak 24. svibnja na poziv organizatora KZMZ, posjetili smo Izložbu vlakova koja se održavala u Family Mallu.

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    FESTUNG KUP u Slavonskom brodu

    Naš Vanja Ilijev je nastupio na ovogodišnjem FESTUNG KUPu u Slavonskom brodu.

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    Državno prvenstvo Slovenije u plastičnom maketarstvu

    U subotu, 16.11.2024. u Ljubljani održavalo se Državno prvenstvo Slovenije u plastičnom maketarstvu. Naša delegacija je nastupila u nekoliko kategorija.

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    Posebno zadovoljstvo nam je bilo predstaviti i pokloniti nekoliko primjeraka našeg zadnjeg izdanja našim partnerima i prijateljima iz Back to Basics!

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    Veliki panda i sićušni zmaj, radionica crtanja likova

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    Tijekom ovogodnišnjeg Interlibera autor knjiga o Velikom pandi i sićušnom zmaju James Norbury, održao je nekoliko različitih događanja i susreta s čitateljima. U petak 15. studenog imao sam priliku sudjelovati na radionici crtanja likova iz njegovih knjiga. S obzirom da je James ilustrator i njegova djela uključuju apstraktne pejzaže, fantasy art, SF i cyberpunk stripove, crteže i grafike, bilo mi je zanimljivo vidjeti kako nastaju likovi pande i zmaja u tehnici japanskih zen slikara.


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    I za kraj, valja spomenuti i naš najopsežniji program. Online objavljivanje članaka iz minijaturizma i maketarstva započeto 2020. se nastavilo i u narednim godinama pa tako i 2024. sa preko 50 objavljenih članaka ove godine. Ovim putem se zahvaljujemo svim članovima na trudu i zalaganju u izradi minijatura i maketa, ali posebno u odvajanju vremena za fotografiranje rada u nastajanju i pisanja članaka za našu stranicu.

    K N J I G E    U    I Z D A NJ U    U M S    „A G R A M“

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    Tijekom 2024. izdali smo dvije knjige. Prva je Zbirka članaka iz minijaturizma i maketarstva drugi dio pod nazivom Minijaturizam u doba nakon Corone. Druga knjiga jest drugo, prošireno Back to Basics izdanje priručnika Bojanje minijatura za početnike.

    UMS „Agram“ vam želi sve najbolje u novoj 2025. godini! Vidimo se iduće godine!

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    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 19:56:22" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-23 20:00:41" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(2) "35" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["first_name"]=> string(5) "Marko" ["last_name"]=> string(9) "Paunović" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(5) "marko" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(8) "paunovic" ["username"]=> string(5) "marko" ["password"]=> string(40) "3bd37b326d19d1880d3b93a4b32e8fb3a90fa122" ["born"]=> string(19) "2033-03-07 20:35:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2009-06-02 20:37:03" } }
    Marko Paunović, 23.12.2024.
  • Diorama Alpi - prvi dio
              array(2) {
      array(10) {
        string(3) "418"
        string(2) "35"
        string(19) "Alps Diorama part 1"
        string(23) "Diorama Alpi - prvi dio"
        string(19) "alps_diorama_part_1"
        string(23) "diorama_alpi_-_prvi_dio"
        string(5431) "

    In the next two articles I will cover the making of the Alps diorama. The main “actor” of the diorama is a 1/87 scale oldtimer bus. In addition to it, the package also included a few figures (but more about them in another article).

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    The idea of the diorama is that the bus stopped at a rest stop somewhere in the Alpine serpentines and the crew of passengers got out to enjoy the view. To get the height, I used 5 cm thick polystyrene. In two layers (with the second layer just being the background).

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    After drawing the road, positioning the elements on the base, I cut the elements and got something close to the final relief look.

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    I rearranged the elements in the diorama to check if everything matched the idea.

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    The next step was to imprint the stone texture into the Styrofoam rocks. I used pieces of tree bark to imprint them.

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    Then I mixed in a thick mixture of modeling plaster to add to the embossed texture and to protect the soft Styrofoam a bit.

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    Once the plaster had dried, I started painting. First I painted everything in a gray base color. Then I added darker shades of gray, black, and brown. The colors I used were very diluted so that they would blend more easily on the surface. When I was done with the darker layers and they were dry, I repeated the same with the lighter tones (gray and beige). This time, the color was not as diluted.

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    The last step was to add asphalt to the road. I used the effect from Ammo.

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    " ["content_hrv"]=> string(5481) "

    Kroz naredna dva članka obradit ću izradu diorame Alpi. Glavni “akter” diorame je oldtimer autobus u mjerilu 1/87. Pored njega u paketu došla je i nekolicina figura (ali o njima više u drugom članku).

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    Ideja diorame jest da je autobus stao na ugibalištu negdje u serpentinama Alpi i da je ekipa putnika izašla van uživati u pogledu. Kako bih dobio visinu, koristio sam stirodur debljine 5 cm. U dva sloja (s tim da je drugi sloj samo pozadina).

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    Nakon iscrtavanja ceste, pozicioniranja elemenata na podlogu, izrezao sam elemente i dobio nešto što je blizu konačnog izgleda reljefa.

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    Ponovno sam posložio elemente po diorami da provjerim da li sve odgovara zamišljenom.

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    Sljedeći korak bio je utisnuti teksturu kamena u stirodurne stjene. Za utiskivanje sam koristio komadiće kore drveta.

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    Zatim sam umješao gustu smjestu modelarskog gipsa da dodam na utisnutu teksturu i da pomalo zaštitim mekani stirodur.

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    Kad se gips osušio, krenuo sam sa bojanjem. Prvo sam sve obojao u sivu temeljnu boju. A zatim dodavao tamnije tonove sive, crne i smeđe. Boje koje sam koristio su bile jako razvodnjene da bi se lakše miješale na samoj podlozi. Kad sam završio sa tamnijim slojevima te kad su se oni osušili, isto sam ponovio sa svijetlijim tonovima (sive i bež). Ovaj puta, boja nije bila toliko razvodnjena.

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    Zadnji korak bilo je dodavanje asfalta na cestu. Koristio sam efekt od Ammoa.

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    " ["created"]=> string(19) "2024-12-16 10:59:27" ["modified"]=> string(19) "2024-12-16 11:09:32" } ["Member"]=> array(10) { ["id"]=> string(2) "35" ["group_id"]=> string(1) "1" ["first_name"]=> string(5) "Marko" ["last_name"]=> string(9) "Paunović" ["first_name_mask"]=> string(5) "marko" ["last_name_mask"]=> string(8) "paunovic" ["username"]=> string(5) "marko" ["password"]=> string(40) "3bd37b326d19d1880d3b93a4b32e8fb3a90fa122" ["born"]=> string(19) "2033-03-07 20:35:00" ["created"]=> string(19) "2009-06-02 20:37:03" } }
    Marko Paunović, 16.12.2024.

Svi članci

Najnoviji izvještaji s bojišta

Svi izvještaji s bojišta

Tko smo?

Minijaturisti, maketari, igrači, veliki i mali ljudi koji koji gaje posebnu ljubav za minijaturne figurice i stolno-strateške igre. Na ovim stranicama možete pročitati nešto više o našim aktivnostima, upoznati se s aktualnim igrama u udruzi i našim članovima, te pogledati kako to izgleda kad se veselo društvo prihvati minijatura!

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U znak zahvale za Vaše donacije, uz određene iznose dobivate i jednu ili više naših publikacija. Za više informacija obratite nam se na

Uz donaciju od 20,00€ dobivate Monografiju - Naših prvih 18 godina.

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Uz donaciju od 25,00€ dobivate jednu od:
- Bojanje minijatura za početnike, II izdanje
- Minijaturizam u doba Corone
- Minijaturizam u doba nakon Corone

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Uz donaciju od 40,00€ dobivate:
- Izrada prostornih maketa za početnike
- Minijaturizam u doba Corone
- Minijaturizam u doba nakon Corone

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Uz donaciju od 60,00€ dobivate:
- Izrada prostornih maketa za početnike
- Bojanje minijatura za početnike, II izdanje

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Uz donaciju od 100,00€ i više dobivate:

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Naši prijatelji i sponzori

Grad Zagreb
Carta Magica
Art Zumbur
Triglav Model
Cartoon Miniatures
MicroArt Studio
Secret Weapon Miniatures
Gamers Grass
Savage Forged Minis
Ebenezers Emporium
Prvi dojam
Infamy Miniatures
Figure Painter Magazine
Leo Modeli
Terrible Kids Stuff
Lumos Hobby & Art
Initiative Magazine
Systema Gaming Scenery
Kabuki Models
Phlegyas Art
Wyrd Miniatures
Hangar 18 Miniatures
Ebenezers Emporium
Naši prijatelji i sponzori