Broj 16 časopisa Figure Painter Magazine
Izašao je novi broj časopisa Figure Painter Magazine i može se nabaviti ovdje.
Shane Rozzell, urednik časopisa:
"Welcome to issue 16 of Figure Painter Magazine and we have a really good issue for you this month.
We’ve got some excellent reviews of products from Scale75, Ax Faction, Fantasy Realms Models, Painting Buddha and Sergeant BlackArt.
We’ve also got a very informative What’s on the Market look at what MDF products are out there for us painters to not only store our stuff , but to transport our miniatures around in.
We also have some brilliant tutorials where Sean Fulton paints the model he converted in last month’s issue; Justin McCoy from Secret Weapon Miniatures shows us how to paint a rusted Oldsmobile and Marko Paunovic not only brings us the latest instalment of the Malifaux gaming table, but also shows us how he created a simple gaming table for a tournament.
Terry Cowell gives us his report from the latest Weekend Workshop that featured Alfonse Giraldes, but to get us started this month we have an Insight interview with one of the finest painters and modellers there is and someone who I’ve found to be a very helpful and cool guy all around - Roman ‘Jarhead’ Lappat."
Pored toga, tu se nalazi i reportaža sa naše Agram Arene Summer, kao i novi nastavak iz serijala o izgradnji modularne table za stolnu stratešku igru Malifaux koju izrađuju naši članovi, Ana, Andrija i Marko. Također, Marko je napisao i članak o izradi jednostavnih ravnih igraćih tabli za igru Malifaux.
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