Broj 17 časopisa Figure Painter Magazine
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Welcome to Figure Painter Magazine issue 17. In this issue we have some great articles for modelers, painters and gamers alike. We have a special article where Marko, our terrain guru, shows you have to make a hilltop gaming table. Justin McCoy brings us the second part of his superbly modelled and painted Oldsmobile 442. Martyn Dorey also begins a painting challenge with your truly where we both have to paint the 54mm display base we built in a previous issue. Also in this issue we have some brilliant product reviews, excellent showcases including our readers and social media followers exhibition. All the lasted news and new releases as well as a very informative look at some of the brushes that are available, plus lots more; but we kick off with a brilliant Insight Interview with American painter Meg Maples.
Pored navedenog članka Marka Paunovića o izradi brdovite igraće table, tu je i najava za nadolazeću Agram Arenu Winter kao i standardni članak o izradi modularne table za Malifaux koju izrađuju naši Ana, Andrija i Marko. Marko Paunović je također autor recenzije knjige World of Dioramas.
Kazalo broja 17:
Najnovije obavijesti
- 27. sjednica Skupštine UMS "Agram" 14.02.2025., objavio Marko Paunović u Najavama i reportažama događanja
- Agram Lego Sekcija - Leonardo da Vinci 13.02.2025., objavio Mario Grgurev u Obavijestima iz radionice
- Događaji na Black Queen H&MPC 2025 27.01.2025., objavio Krunoslav Belinić u Novostima