Broj 18 časopisa Figure Painter Magazine je dostupan!
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Prema riječima urednika:
Welcome to issue 18 of Figure Painter Magazine.
This month we have a huge issue for you. We have tutorials from Sergey Chasnyk, Nicolas Rouanet and we are begining to draw to an end the epic Malifaux gaming table build.
We also have product reports from Tim Fitch, Davide Rainone as well as reviews of Nuts Planet's Aqualia and Tabletop Worlds Merchant Shop. Jason Martin brings you a great two part look at Aradia Miniatures.
This months cover article is the Insight interview with Ben Komets and we also have a show report from Euro Militaire. We also have a look at Raging Heroes and bring you an interview with Giorgos Tsougkouzidis, plus all the latest news and new releases.
Također, tu je i nova najava za našu Agram Arenu Winter 2014.
Najnovije obavijesti
- 27. sjednica Skupštine UMS "Agram" 14.02.2025., objavio Marko Paunović u Najavama i reportažama događanja
- Agram Lego Sekcija - Leonardo da Vinci 13.02.2025., objavio Mario Grgurev u Obavijestima iz radionice
- Događaji na Black Queen H&MPC 2025 27.01.2025., objavio Krunoslav Belinić u Novostima