Broj 19 časopisa Figure Painter Magazine
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Prema riječima urednika:
Welcome to issue 19 of Figure Painter Magazine.
We have another large issue for you jam packed full of articles. This issue has five tutorials from great sculptors and painters like Ian Succamore, Luke Wilson and our very own News Editor, Jason Martin. We have a look at Norsgard, Guards of Atlantis, Painting Buddha's Season 1.3 and Fantasy Flight's Conquest as well as a close look at what decals and transfers are on the market for miniature painters; an unboxing of Origen Arts Sirena and a comparative review of a Raging Heroes miniature.
Also in this issue we have a look at Scale Games' Fallen Frontiers and and exclusive chat with its creators where they reveal a new character for their game just for FPM readers and Terry Cowell has a chat with Aragorn Marks about life after Games Workshop.
The cover article this month is an Insight interview with French painter, sculptor, editor and current traveller Jėrėrmie Bonamant Teboul who tells us about his early years, Figone and the new Figopedia.
Pored navedenog, tu je i najava za nadolazeću Agram Arenu Winter, redovni nastavak izgradnje table za Malifaux. Takodjer tu je i Anin prvi samostalni clanak u vidu SBS tutoriala farbanja predivnog Merchant's Shopa od Tabletop Worlda.
Za kraj, tu je i reportaza sa Zagrebačkog maketarskog kupa Crna Kraljica 2014.
Najnovije obavijesti
- 27. sjednica Skupštine UMS "Agram" 14.02.2025., objavio Marko Paunović u Najavama i reportažama događanja
- Agram Lego Sekcija - Leonardo da Vinci 13.02.2025., objavio Mario Grgurev u Obavijestima iz radionice
- Događaji na Black Queen H&MPC 2025 27.01.2025., objavio Krunoslav Belinić u Novostima