Broj 20 časopisa Figure Painter Magazine
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Welcome to issue 20 of Figure Painter Magazine.
THIS ISSUE IS HUGE! 120 pages full of miniatures goodness that will certainly sate your miniature lust. Inside we have reviews from Fallen Frontiers, Olivier Bouchet, Siren Miniatures, Nocturna and Miniaturas Fortes. Luke Wilson and Ian Succamore continue their tutorials and Thor Intararangson and David Powell join the fray with tutorials on sculpting and painting an eagle statue base and a French Dragoon, respectively.
We start with a superb Insight Interview with Sebastian Archer, who gives FPM readers an exclusive look of a new miniature for his ‘Twisted’ setting. We also speak to Slayer Sword Winner Richard Gray and we start a new feature called Best of British that showcases home grown talent, this gets under way with none other than Scott (Iacton) Hockley.
Pored navedenog, tu je i reportaža s netom završene Agram Arenu Winter te redovni nastavak izgradnje table za Malifaux.
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- Događaji na Black Queen H&MPC 2025 27.01.2025., objavio Krunoslav Belinić u Novostima