Broj 22 časopisa Figure Painter Magazine
Izašao je novi broj Figure Painter Magazine-a. Broj 22 možete kupiti ovdje po cijeni od 1,3 GBP.
Prema riječima urednika:
Welcome to issue 22 of Figure Painter Magazine.
In this issue we have great reviews from Black Crow, Mindwork Games, N-S Prod, Carmine Giugliano, and Scale75. We also take a good look at Firestorm Games’ great new gaming venue based in South Wales, plus our regular Putty&Paint Showcase, Exposé, and Headlines features.
What’s on the Market looks at masking materials. Best of British features Leicester based artist Carlos FigureArt and we kick off with a great Insight interview with Mathieu Fontaine who also supplies us with a tutorial on how he recently painted his Inuit bust. We also have the first part of a sculpting and painting tutorial from Ian Succamore and Marko Paunovic continues his epic Malifaux table build and shows us a quick way to duplicate gaming terrain pieces.
Pored navedenog, tu je i prva najava za nadolazeću Agram Arenu Summer 2015!!!

Najnovije obavijesti
- 27. sjednica Skupštine UMS "Agram" 14.02.2025., objavio Marko Paunović u Najavama i reportažama događanja
- Agram Lego Sekcija - Leonardo da Vinci 13.02.2025., objavio Mario Grgurev u Obavijestima iz radionice
- Događaji na Black Queen H&MPC 2025 27.01.2025., objavio Krunoslav Belinić u Novostima