Broj 26 časopisa Figure Painter Magazine
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Welcome to issue 26 of Figure Painter Magazine.
For this issue the review guys have been busy and bring you seven…yes, seven reviews! We also have some fantastic tutorials including one from Sean Fulton on how he is painting his Chapter Master for the NOVA Open Charitable Foundation and Norman ‘Normski’ Ealand joins the fray and shows us how he scratch built his 1/72nd scale lighthouse model.
We have interviews with Golden Demon winner, David ‘Sproket’ Soper and not one Pegaso Models sculptor, but two — with Ebroin Song and a brilliant Insight interview with Mariano Numitone. This issue also has Martyn Dorey’s market place article, where he takes a look at several snow effect products and Tim Fitch show us how to strip…miniatures that is!
Packed to the rafters with miniature goodness :)
i pored toga: recenzija Scale 75 seta Going West te novi članak iz serije o izradi modularne table za Malifaux kao i nova najava za Agram Arenu Summer 2015!
Najnovije obavijesti
- 27. sjednica Skupštine UMS "Agram" 14.02.2025., objavio Marko Paunović u Najavama i reportažama događanja
- Agram Lego Sekcija - Leonardo da Vinci 13.02.2025., objavio Mario Grgurev u Obavijestima iz radionice
- Događaji na Black Queen H&MPC 2025 27.01.2025., objavio Krunoslav Belinić u Novostima