Figure Painter Magazine #31, #32 and #33 su izašli
Od zadnje obavijesti, izašla su tri broja Figure Painter Magazina..
Prema riječima g. Shane-a Rozzella: Welcome to issue 31 of Figure Painter Magazine. We have a cracking issue for this month with show reports from all over the world. Hussar, Monte San Savino and Chicago all feature. We also have event reports from Golem Studio’s Painting weekend and Banshee’s Masterclass. We take a closer look at miniatures from RP Models, FeR Miniatures, NutsPlanet, Big Child Creatives and have a look at WarColours new paint range. The company spotlight shines its focus on BrokenToad and we have tutorials from Adrian Hopwood who paints Knight Models’ Joker, Justin McCoy continues his Remora build and we have a fantastic tutorial from Donald Johansson who shows us how he made his award winning Vanitas still life scene. We get this issue underway with a brilliant insight interview from non-other than Pepe Gallardo.
Welcome to issue 32 of Figure Painter Magazine. Season’s greetings to all our readers. In this, our biggest issue ever, 144 pages dedicated to our wonderful industry/hobby, we have something pretty special. A huge tutorial by Fernando Ruiz of FeR Miniatures where he paints his company’s very popular bust ‘Rogue Pirate’. This is so big we had to split it into two. However, as a Christmas gift to you all, instead of putting it into two issues, you can read it all here in this issue! That certainly beats sprouts, dry turkey and those hand knitted socks… That’s not all. We have reviews from Tartar Miniatures, Big Child Creatives, BrokenToad and Mproyec. Plus we shine the spotlight on Infamy Miniatures and Tartar Miniatures. We also have a superb Best of British interview with Andrew Argent and starting us off is a great Insight interview from one of my favourite artists, Javier Gonzalez Lozano, aka Arsies.
Welcome to issue 33 of Figure Painter Magazine. In this issue we have some great interviews from Adrian Hopwood, who is the focus of our Best of British series and we chat with Ben ‘Rocketandroll‘ Jarvis about his latest ventures in the miniature industry. We have reviews from Bent Bristle, Nutsplanet, Infamy, Midnight Miniatures, Karol Rudyk Art and we take a closer look at what 3D sculpting apps are available for tablets and mobile phones. Also in this issue, we have tutorials from Italian painter Davide Decina who explains how he painted his version of the Acolyte Miniatures’ Butcher. I myself explain how I scratch built some scale wooden barrels for my recent Mproyec Barbarella scene and Marko Paunovic delivers his penultimate article on the massive gaming table build. To get 2016 started off in the right way, we have an excellent insight interview with the master of freehand and multiple Slayer Sword winner, non-other than Stephan Rath.
Također i najave za našu AAW 2015 i Izložbu minijatura i maketa 2016...
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