Agram Arena Ljeto 2015 - Izvještaj
Srpanj je u Zagrebu već tradicionalno rezerviran za stolne strateške igre. UMS "Agram" već trinaest godina organizira međunarodna natjecanja u igranju stolnih strateških igara. Ove godine naše ljetno natjecanje smo rastegnuli preko dva vikenda.
12. i 13. srpnja održao se prvi dio Agram Arene Ljeto. Međunarodni turnir u stolnoj strateškoj igri Warhammer 40.000 i međunarodno natjecanje u bojanju minijatura Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting competition. Igrači i minijaturisti iz Hrvatske i susjednih (i nekih ne baš susjednih) zemalja poput Austrije, Njemačke, Poljske, Slovenije, Srbije i Velike Britanije su prisustvovali ovogodišnjem natjecanju.
Frederic "Athenys" Eysell iz Njemačke (jedan od glavnih sudaca na proteklom Europskom Timskom Prvenstvu (ETC 2014) imao je ovo za reći (izjava prenesena u originalu na engleskom jeziku):
First of all, I like to thank the Club UMS Agram for hosting the event and supplying so many (and high quality) prices. The (free!!!) catering was good as always and there was enough to drink for everyone and all the time- Really outstanding! The tables this year had more terrain and I never felt , that it was placed in a bad way or that they weren't enough Line of sight blockers. The schedule was pretty good and I never felt to be in rush. Pauses were reasonable and so were the game lengths.
Aljoša Sodec, SLO:
Naturally thanks to the organizers, the tournament was really fun, was very fluid, cold drinks and good atmosphere.. so what could one ask for more? and yet you guys also threw in consolation prizes. So yeah definitely going to be back next year (even if there won't be any prizes), plus we'll try to nag other Slovenians to come with us
Konačni rezultati Warhammer 40k turnira:
1. Frederic Eysell, GER
2. Domagoj Mitrović, CRO
3. Ivan Katić, CRO
Best Painted Army: Frederic Eysell, GER
Dok su se u jednom dijelu dvorane vodile bitke u 41. tisućljeću, u drugom, tišem i mirnijem, kutu održavalo se osmo godišnje natjecanje u bojanju minijatura Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition. Minijature u više kategorija su odsuđene od strane naših sudaca, a o pobjedniku u kategoriji People's Choice odlučivali su natjecatelji i posjetitelji.
Konačni rezultati natjecanja u bojanju minijatura Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition:
Single Miniature:
1. Wojtek Tekielski, POL
2. Ana Polanšćak, CRO
3. Norman Ealand, UK
Large/Mounted Miniature:
1. Wojtek Tekielski, POL
2. Domagoj Mitrović, CRO
3. Ana Polanšćak, CRO
1. Mario Ogrizek-Tomaš, CRO
2. Wojtek Tekielski, POL
3. Ana Polanšćak, CRO
1. Norman Ealand, UK
2. Marko Paunović, CRO
3. Adam Parkhouse, UK
1. Marko Paunović, CRO
2. Norman Ealand, UK
3. Wojtek Tekielski, POL
Best of Wyrd
1. Marko Paunović, CRO
People's Choice
1. Miljenko Jurjević, CRO
1. Norman Ealand, UK
2. Marko Paunović, CRO
3. Mario Ogrizek-Tomaš, CRO
Wojtek Tekielski, Poljska, čovjek koji vodi blog Whatthefaux:
This year I had my second opportunity to take part in the Black Queen international painting competition organized by a Croatian club UMS Agram. I was unable to attend the event in person as I have a two-month old baby girl at home so travelling to Zagreb was out of question. However, the organizers were once again kind and flexible and I was allowed to send my entries in by post. I had some success last year but knew the competition wasn't going to be any weaker this time round. I prepared entries for 5 categories and... managed to place in top three in four of them! Two golds, one silver and one bronze is a great result for me. Almost as good as last year but then the competition gets tougher as more great painters develop their skills and take part in the event. Seeing pictures of other works, I feel more than happy with my result and feel motivated to come back stronger in 2016 (I really, really hope I'll be able to show up in person then). Being able to compete with fantastic painters from other countries is a great experience and I am very grateful for the opportunity. Great job UMS Agram, props to all the painters who took part in the competition and my special thanks go to the president of the club, Marko Paunovic. You put your heart and soul into running these events and as we can see from the pictures (both those of superb entries and those of happy participants), they are enormously successful!It took me a few days of hard work and painstakingly slow highlighting to paint Lord Chompy Bits (1st in Large/Mounted Miniature category). Painting the Dreamer was a different story - I finished most of him while watching... "Boyhood". It's a long movie and an enjoyable one but I just thought I'd share this curiosity here...
Norman "Normski" Ealand, pobjednik Masterclass kategorije:
Travelling to Croatia to take part in the Black Queen Painting Competition was a great experience; the competition was run alongside the 40K Tournament which had a nice turn out. The Black Queen had over 50 entries and had some really stiff competition. Viruk, Guardian, Gujozec, Demonn and Sparks all offering some quality pieces that had me worried for a place in my chosen categories. So my wins were a nice surprise for sure. I would like to thank the whole UMS Agram Club for such a cool welcome and being an awesome bunch. I recommend the Black Queen to anyone wishing to take part and I am sure anyone wishing to travel to take part would be a welcome competitor to the contest. I would also like to thank all the sponsors for making the prize fund so diverse everyone walked awaywith awesome prizes. The whole event was run very well indeed and I congratulate the UMS Agram staff on such a good event.
18. i 19. srpnja 2015.
Sljedeći vikend, održao se treći po redu Malifaux međunarodni turnir. Paralelno s njim odvijane su razne aktivnosti poput demo prezentacija raznih stolnih strateških igara poput Flames of War, Warmachine/Hordes, Infinity, Warhammer 40.000 i Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Uz prezentacije igara tu su bile i demonstracije naših programa koje provodimo s posebnim naglaskom na našu Knjižnicu i čitaonicu u sklopu koje su bile izložene knjige iz našeg fundusa koje su natjecatelji i posjetitelji mogli listati i čitati.
Turnir u stolnoj strateškoj igri Malifaux sastojao se od tri partije od 40SS i tri partije od 55SS nakon čega su rezultati zbrojeni sa ocjenama fair playa i bodovima iz bojanja. Dva najbolje plasirana natjecatelja išla su u finale boriti se za pobjedu na turniru na scenskoj tabli , dok su ostali natjecatelji odigrali multiplayer partiju na većim stolovima.
Konačni rezultati Malifaux turnira:
1. Andras Farago, HUN
2. Peter Csontos, HUN
3. Arpad Ronai, HUN
4. Petar Rimenov, BUL
5. Mario Ogrizek-Tomaš,CRO
Best Painted Crew: Ana Polanšćak, CRO
Best sportsmanship: Luka Kveštak, CRO
Na kraju, UMS "Agram" se zahvaljuje svim sponzorima i prijateljima bez kojih ova manifestacija ne bi bila moguća: Grad Zagreb, Zagrebačka zajednica tehničke kulture, Ravnice Youth Hostel, Carta Magica, Micro Art Studio, Secret Weapon Miniatures, Battlefield Berlin, MDP, Figone, Ebenezer'e Emporium, Savage Forged Miniatures, Infamy Miniatures, Gamer's Grass, Hangar 18 Miniatures, Art Zumbur, Wamp, Mr Black Publications, Wyrd Miniatures i posebice našem medijskom pokrovitelju Figure Painter Magazine!
Vidimo se sljedeće godine!!
Norman "Normski" Ealand, the winner of the most prestigeous prize - the first place in Masterclass category, had this to say:
Travelling to Croatia to take part in the Black Queen Painting Competition was a great experience; the competition was run alongside the 40K Tournament which had a nice turn out. The Black Queen had over 50 entries and had some really stiff competition. Viruk, Guardian, Gujozec, Demonn and Sparks all offering some quality pieces that had me worried for a place in my chosen categories. So my wins were a nice surprise for sure. I would like to thank the whole UMS Agram Club for such a cool welcome and being an awesome bunch. I recommend the Black Queen to anyone wishing to take part and I am sure anyone wishing to travel to take part would be a welcome competitor to the contest. I would also like to thank all the sponsors for making the prize fund so diverse everyone walked awaywith awesome prizes. The whole event was run very well indeed and I congratulate the UMS Agram staff on such a good event.
Norman "Normski" Ealand, the winner of the most prestigeous prize - the first place in Masterclass category, had this to say:
Travelling to Croatia to take part in the Black Queen Painting Competition was a great experience; the competition was run alongside the 40K Tournament which had a nice turn out. The Black Queen had over 50 entries and had some really stiff competition. Viruk, Guardian, Gujozec, Demonn and Sparks all offering some quality pieces that had me worried for a place in my chosen categories. So my wins were a nice surprise for sure. I would like to thank the whole UMS Agram Club for such a cool welcome and being an awesome bunch. I recommend the Black Queen to anyone wishing to take part and I am sure anyone wishing to travel to take part would be a welcome competitor to the contest. I would also like to thank all the sponsors for making the prize fund so diverse everyone walked awaywith awesome prizes. The whole event was run very well indeed and I congratulate the UMS Agram staff on such a good event.
Najnoviji članci
- Demonstracije stolne strateške igre Turnip 28 na Black Queen H&MPC 2025 Domagoj Krpan, 03.03.2025.
- AGRAM LEGO SEKCIJA - Leonardo da Vinci i njegov leteći stroj Mario Grgurev, 27.02.2025.
- Izrada baza za separatiste iz Star Wars Legion Sebastian Søgård, 13.02.2025.
- Posjetili smo: Imp’s Shop u Ulmu Domagoj Krpan, 04.02.2025.
- Priprema i bojanje contrast / speedpaint bojama – Cthulhu wars Mario Grgurev, 04.02.2025.
Najnoviji izvještaji s bojišta
- Dark Angels protiv T'au Battlereport 22.04.2022., GW - Warhammer 40.000, Borna Pleše (Space Marines) i Kristijan Kliska (Tau Empire)
- Sisters of Battle protiv Ultramarines 17.11.2021., GW - Warhammer 40.000, i Nino Marasović (Space Marines)
- 40k Slow Grow liga jaše dalje 27.10.2021., GW - Warhammer 40.000, Borna Pleše (Space Marines) i Josip Strnad (Space Marines)