The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Presentation, December 21 2013

Event date: 21nd December 2013, 13:00h - 21nd December 2013, 19:00h 16th December 2013, posted by Dejan Pavlović

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(There and) Back again!!!

After watching the second part of the Hobbit trilogy, it is time to finally cross our swords, wax our armour and go back to the equally great strategy battle game that used to be called Lord of the Rings that is now due to some slight changes renamed The Hobbit!

On saturday 21.12.2013. in MS "Cvjetni trg", Prolaz sestara Baković 3, begining at 13:00 UMS Agram will organize a presentation of the Hobbit strategy battle game. Free play, introduction to new minis as well as getting to know the rules! UMS Agram will provide two fully painted armies, but feel free to bring your own!

At the same time, there will be a Warhammer 40.000 tournament taking place, so loads of gaming goodness for all tastes!


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