Event announcements and reports

13th summer school of technical skills @ Novi Vinodolski

Event date: 22nd June 2012, 15:47h 22nd June 2012, posted by Dejan Pavlović

Association of technical culture of Zagreb organizes 13th Summer school of technical skills from 02.06. to 17.06. at Novi Vinodolski.

More information available at: www.zztk.hr

UMS "Agram" is also going to participate with our program called "Miniatures assembly and painting workshop"!

40k MEGAFIGHT - 3.8.2013.

Event date: 3th August 2013, 10:00h - 3th August 2013, 19:00h 27th July 2013, posted by Marko Paunović

3.8.2013. in MS "Cvjetni trg", Prolaz s. Baković there will be a 40k MEGABATTLE starts at 10h.

6-10 players.

Interested players contact Nino Marasović!

Click for enlarged picture 

how a similar WHFB game looked like.

Malifaux Summer League 2013

Event date: 3th August 2013, 00:00h - 28th September 2013, 23:59h 1nd August 2013, posted by Marko Paunović

Running from August 3.2013. until September 28. 2013. there will be a Malifaux Summer League 2013 taking place.

Click for enlarged picture 

Rules are simple:

any size crew, any crew. multiplayer games allowed (from Wyrd Chronicles vol 4) and campaign rules allowed (from Wyrd Chronicles vol 5).

playtesting games allowed as well as M2E once released after GenCon


Scoring: game played 0,5pts; game won 0,5pts; brawl played 0,5pts 

Interested players contact Marko!



Wyrd NO MA'AM miniature painting competition

Event date: 12nd August 2013, 19:18h - 15th September 2013, 23:59h 12nd August 2013, posted by Marko Paunović

Wyrd NO MA'AM miniature painting competition will last until September 15.

The right to compete have all UMS "Agram" members except Marko, Ana, Andrija and Mario -> No MA'AM

Click for enlarged picture 

What minis are allowed:

- all Wyrd miniatures

- single miniature, large, mounted, diorama, unit, whatever.


Rules: Marko will upon photographing all the entries open a poll that will last 7 days. The highest scoring entry will get 5 points. The second three and the third one point.

During the poll, our judges Ana and Marko will judge all the miniatures awarding each a maximum of 30 points. The winner is the entry with the biggest combined score.


UMS Agram @ Liburnicon

Event date: 23th August 2013, 10:00h - 24th August 2013, 19:35h 21nd August 2013, posted by Marko Paunović

UMS Agram will be present at this years Liburnicon, held in Opatija on 23rd and 24th of August.

 Click for enlarged picture

Look out for our members Velimir and Marinko and feel free to ask them any questions and don't be shy to ask for a demo game!

This is how one of our appearances at Sferakon looked like a few years back

 Click for enlarged picture

 Click for enlarged picture

UMS Agram @ Zagreb Modelling Cup Crna Kraljica 2013

Event date: 14th September 2013, 10:00h - 14th September 2013, 19:00h 30th August 2013, posted by Marko Paunović

On saturday, 14. of september, UMS "Agram" will present our activities and programmes at the Zagreb Modelling Cup Crna Kraljica 2013. which is organized by HUVM. It will take place in Elementary School "Gračani", Gračani 4a begining at 10.00AM. Expected start of presentations is 12.00h.

 Click for enlarged picture

As a main part of our presentation, a wargaming school will be held. The game of choice will be Warhammer 40.000: 

Our Josip will be at your service.


See you!!

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