Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Scenery Agram 2014
Dwarves, orks and aliens in glass cases in Vladimir Horvat Gallery
A representation of eleven years of work of one of the most awarded associations in Zagreb
For the eight year running, UMS Agram organizes an Exhibition of miniatures and tabletop scenery in celebration of our birthday. It is held in the Vladimir Horvat Gallery in Zagreb's Community of Technical Culture on Trg žrtava fašizma 14, Zagreb. The grand opening was held on wednesday February 26 at 18.00.
The exhibition shows a retrospective of our work with the emphasis on the fantasy, sci-fi miniatures assembled and painted by our member. Along with over a hundred miniatures, there are also a great number of terrain pieces hand made by our members. During the exhibition there will also be a demo of the Malifaux tabletop wargame.
To accompany the demo, this year we decided to put an emphasis on Malifaux, a cool game set in 19th century parallel world that mixes Victorian London, Wild West, Orient all wrapped up in Steampunk setting.
Also, we dedicated a part of the Exhibition to our prolific member, Ana Polanšćak, and her blog Gardens of Hecate where she describes how she makes her wonderful scenery and miniatures set in dark middle ages ravaged by plague and various mythological creatures inspired by the crews of Malifaux.
Latest announcements
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