X Wing @ AAW 2015

Event date: 6th December 2015, 09:00h - 6th December 2015, 17:00h 23th November 2015, posted by Marko Paunović

Dear friends!

For the first time, UMS "Agram" will organize an X-Wing Miniatures Game tournament at the 13th annual Agram Arena Winter 2015!

To be held on 06th of December 2015. in Gallery "Zvonimir", Bauerova 33, Zagreb, Croatia.

Entry: FREE!

Refreshing drinks for all players will be free during the tournament!

SPECIAL OFFER: The lunch is free for all first time comers!

Check out the tournament rules at: http://www.ums-agram.hr/app/webroot/dokumenti/X-Wing-2015.pdf

Official languages of the tournament will be English and Croatian (while Croatian is alternative, knowledge of the English language is a must for all participants)!

Registration - see rulespack

If you need any other information please contact us at ums.agram@gmail.com or GSM +385 91 7620584!


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