Agram Arena Winter 2016

Event date: 3th December 2016, 08:24h - 4th December 2016, 20:24h 4th September 2016, posted by Marko Paunović

Dear friends!

The time has come for 14th annual Agram Arena Winter 2016 international tournament!

To be held on 03rd and 04th of December 2016. in Gallery "Zvonimir", Bauerova 33, Zagreb, Croatia.

Click for enlarged picture

Entry: FREE!

Refreshing drinks for all players will be free during the tournament!

Accommodation for Saturday is available at the price of 13€, while Friday and Sunday night are available at the price of 18 €. Lunch for both days is available at the price of 10 €.

SPECIAL OFFER: The accommodation for Saturday night are free for all first time comers! Max. number of participants is 36 for 9th Age tournament and 16 for the Malifaux and X-wing tournaments!

Check out the tournament rules here.

Official languages of the tournament will be English and Croatian (while Croatian is alternative, knowledge of the English language is a must for all participants)!

Registration: from 15.09. to 17.11. 2016! (you can find guidelines on registration in the rules (check out the above link))! Every player is required to register for himself. If you need any other information please contact us at or GSM +385 91 7620584!


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