Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition 2019

Event date: 6th July 2019, 09:00h - 7th July 2019, 14:00h 9th April 2019, posted by Marko Paunović

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This year as well the Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition will be a part of Agram Arena Summer 2019 to be held on July 6 and 7 2019.

Here is a quick run down through categories at this year's event:
1. Single Miniature (any 28-35mm single miniature)
2. Mounted and Large Miniature (mounted or large miniatures in 28-35mm scale)
3. Unit / Squad (unit of 5+ minis (28-35mm), or exceptionally 3+ minis (trolls, ogres etc))
4. Masterclass (our most prestigious category, anything goes as long as it's a single entry. Previous Masterclass winners can not compete in the first three categories.)
5. Diorama / Duel (self explanatory, two or more minis locked in combat or in any other interaction on a single base (no limit to the size of the base, if you can bring it, we'll display it!))
6. Open (anything that isn't covered in the categories above – primarily reserved for dragons, monsters, warmachines, but also scenery etc)
7. Bust (busts of any size can go in here)
8. BEST OF SHOW (this is a new category which will be sponsored by UMS „Agram“. All of the entries will be judged by our own Ana Polanšćak and the best entry will be awarded a special prize!

Thank you all! You can read the full rulespack to the Agram Arena Summer.

See you in July! 

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