Speed Painting Contests @ Black Queen H&MPC 2021

Event date: 27th February 2021, 15:30h - 28th February 2021, 14:00h 13th February 2021, posted by Marko Paunović

We have another pair of fun events being run during Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition 2021.
Thanks to our sponsor Hobby Chest who secured a huge donation of painting materials by AK Interactive, we will hold a Speed Painting Contest each day of the Competition.

Same rules will apply to both contests:
- contestants have an hour to paint a miniature
- all contestants paint the same (type of) miniature
- we provide the paints by AK Interactive
- we provide the brushes by AK Interactive

First contest will be held on Saturday, 27.2. 15:30 - 16:30

Second contest will be held on Sunday, 28.2. 13:00 - 14:00

Registration is obligatory and will last until Feb 25. Registrations to be sent to ums.agram@gmail.com (title: SPC Saturday or SPC Sunday)

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