Black Queen Hobby & Miniature Painting Competition 2024
Dear friends, miniature painters and friends of the hobby in general!
We invite you to our 18th annual Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition!
In 2024, we have some changes in the format of the Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition. So what is new and what remains the same?
First, it will again be held over two days.
Second, it will again be a part of the bigger @UMS Agram event - Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Scenery „Agram“.
Third, extra protection for your entries and exhibits that will be exhibited in our glass cabinets.
Fourth, six one-hour demo-painting workshops (three per day).
Fifth, some minor changes in categories.
Sixth, there will be a speed painting contest. One hour to paint a mini.
Seventh, Back To Basics miniature painting workshops for the youngest.
The biggest change in the format will be the registration process.
You are encouraged to PRE-REGISTER for the event via e-mail. Once you pre-register, you will then receive the exact time when you need to register at the event (from 8:00 until 11:00 on Saturday). Be there on time, if you are late, you will have to wait for the next free slot in the registration schedule!
1. Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition
As mentioned above, the Black Queen will be held on Feb 24-25 in the Vladimir Horvat Gallery, ZZTK, Trg žrtava fašizma 14, 10.000 Zagreb, Croatia and will be a part of a much bigger event, our annual Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Scenery „Agram“. The Exhibition itself will be open for three weeks form Feb 22 until Mar 10 2024. At the new venue we will be able to provide glass display cases for all the entries (at least reasonably sized ones – up to 30 x 30 x 30 cm (however, if you have entries bigger than that, let us know in your pre-registration e-mail)). Here is a quick run down through categories at this year's event:
1. Single Miniature (any 28-35mm single miniature)
2. Mounted and Large Miniature (mounted or large miniatures in 28-35mm scale, 54mm models and larger)
3. Unit / Squad (unit of 5+ minis (28-35mm), or exceptionally 3+ minis (trolls, ogres etc))
4. Diorama / Duel (self explanatory, two or more minis locked in combat or in any other interaction on a single base (no limit to the size of the base, if you can bring it, we'll display it!))
5. Open (anything that isn't covered in the categories above – primarily reserved for dragons, monsters, warmachines, but also scenery etc)
6. Bust (busts of any size can go in here)
7. Masterclass (our most prestigious category. Up to three entries can receive our special prizes (gold, silver, bronze).)
8. Junior (under 18. The Junior entries will be assigned in the categories above as applicable and will compete with the rest of the entries. However, best three Junior entries in the whole competition will be awarded in Junior category.)
9. BEST OF SHOW (this is a category which will be sponsored by UMS „Agram“. The best entry will be awarded a special prize!)
10. Best Sculpt (category for sculptors)
11. Best Display (category for three plus works connected through a common theme)
Full Rulespack can be found here.
2. Demo-Painting Workshops
The layout of the venue at the Vladimir Horvat Gallery makes it possible to hold several workshops throughout the weekend. Therefore, there will be three one-hour workshops on Saturday after the official opening of the competition and three on Sunday before the awards ceremony. The themes of the workshops and the names of the tutors will be announced at a later date. We wanted to provide as many workshops to all the visitors, competitiors and miniature painters so we decided not to hold several workshops at the same time. This year, the workshops will be held in the cinema hall in the basement. The tutor's work will be filmed with a camera and projected on the projection screen in the hall. Once each workshop is announced, you will be able to register for each of them.
3. Painting Booths
Besides the workshops, we will provide several painting booths so the visitors and competitors can paint some minis at the event as well! The booths will be equipped with acrylic paints, brushes, lamps and other tools needed to fully enjoy our hobby. All you need to do is bring your unpainted miniatures. However, this may not be possible to hold due to the epidemic, but so far we are planning they will take place.
4. Speed Painting Contests
There will be a speed painting contest organized on Sunday. Participants (up to 10) will have an hour to assemble and paint a single miniature.
5. Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Scenery „Agram“
The Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition will be held as a part of a larger club event, Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Scenery „Agram“ so all the visitors and competitiors will be able to take a look at 20+ years of UMS Agram history. In the glass cabinets, there will be numerous miniatures and tabletop scenery made and painted by our members and attendees of our Terrain and Miniature Painting Workshops.
6. Vendor area
There will be a vendor area at the venue where you will be able to purchase miniatures and hobby material on the spot.
7. Back To Basics Painting Workshops for kids
We will organize several Back To Basics workshops throughout the weekend where we will teach kids to paint miniatures.
The pre-registrations will be open until 18th of February ! Pre-registration must be sent via e-mail: Pre-registration must include the name of the participant(s), contact e-mail or GSM number. Each person coming the the registrations bringing the models must send his/her own pre-registration. If a person is bringing models of other people, his pre-registration is enough. However, a single person may not send pre-registrations for his/hers club/team mates who intend to bring the models themselves. This ensures we know EXACTLY how many people will be present at the registration.
See you in February!
Latest announcements
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- Events @ Black Queen H&MPC 2025 27th January 2025, posted by Krunoslav Belinić in News