UMS Agram @ 8. Zagreb's Model Cup

14th September 2013, posted by Marko Paunović

UMS Agram just finished the presentation on Eighth Zagreb Model Cup held in Gračani on saturday 14.9.2013.

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While our members, Josip, Goran and Luka presented various games like Warhammer 40.000, Warmachine and Firestorm Armada, our Ana and Marko competed in the main competition. There has been a lot of interest shown in our presentations and the main competition provided some excellent entries in all the categories. It was a real pleasure seeing all the various entries.

In the end, Ana won the third place in the category S1 (Sci-fi or space programme), while Marko managed a third place in the category D4 (dioramas in every scale). Congratulations!

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