Figure Painter Magazine no 12 - OUT NOW

16th April 2014, posted by Marko Paunović

Figure Painter Magazine issue 12 is out now.

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In this issue we have some brilliant articles for miniature painters of all types and levels. Starting us off is a fantastic Insight interview with the daddy of the hobby; none other than Shepard Paine! We also have lots of excellent product review and a closer look at some of the Chipping Medium that’s on the market. Three massive tutorials which include another step-by-step from Sergey “WE7” Chasnyk and something pretty special from Isaac Jaramillo Sama who show us how to paint Pegaso’s Vlad Dracul! This, on top of all the other stuff makes for one big issue...116 pages in all!

Click for enlarged picture

The magazine can be purchased here.

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