Wyrd Weekend and Days of Open Doors 2014

7th June 2014, posted by Marko Paunović

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This weekend saw some extra activities within UMS "Agram". As a part of Days of Open Doors, we presented our activities and programmes to the general public. Everyone could see and participate in our Terrain Workshop, various wargaming schools (Malifaux, 40k or WHFB) or our miniature painting classes.

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On saturday there was a fundraiser to raise cash for victims of recent floods in Croatia. The entry fee for open gaming was 10 kunas, while the entry fee for the Malifaux tournament was 20 kunas. However, everyone could donate how much they wanted. We also offered instant coffee at 5kunas+D6kunas, as well as refreshing beverages at the same price. In all, 900,00 kunas was raised and we would like to thank everyone for their generous donations. UMS "Agram" will add further 5.000,00 kunas to that ammount and we will be making a payment to Croatian Red Cross some time next week.

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The main event of the Saturday, was definitely Bayou Bash Malifaux tournament held as a part of a special Wyrd Weekend. Tournament had 12 players competing, with Polanscak syblings taking first and third.

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The final standings are as follows:

1. Edgar Ronchester 

2. Viper

3. Nightmare

4. PrexGSI

5. Urnebesator

6. Walker

7. Azhag

8. Donniedarko

9. Guardian

10. Fidelleanor Castro

11. Ilona

12. Martin


Next to our fundraiser, UMS "Agram" members also helped the Hobby Against Floods Fundraiser organised by TomZG (of www.tomsmagazine.blogspot.com). Club members painted Flames of War miniatures that were donated for the cause by our sponsor Carta Magica. For every miniature painted, TomZG will donate 1 Euro to further help the victims of the floods. Here are some of the painted miniatures :

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