New membership fees in Euros from 1.1.2023.

9th August 2022, posted by Goran Krunić

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By decision of the Assembly from the session held on March 2, 2022. the following price list of membership fees was adopted.

  • annual membership fee €40.00 (HRK 300.00)
  • annual membership fee for minors €30.00 (200.00 HRK)
  • registration fee and annual membership fee €45.00 (HRK 330.00)
  • registration fee and annual membership fee for minors €35.00 (250.00 HRK)

With this decision, from 1.1.2023. cancels the possibility of paying monthly membership fees, it will only be possible to pay the annual membership fee (which is valid for one year from the payment, i.e. the last paid month).

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