TrashBash Workshop @ BQ H&MPC 2022

25th January 2022, posted by Ana Polanšćak

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Date and time: Saturday 26. February 2021, 13:00-14:00

@Ana Polanšćak

The workshop covers the build of a SF hovering drone model from scratch - using an assortment of cheap materials you're not likely to find on the shelves of your tabletop hobby shop.

Due to the epidemic measures we can only accommodate 10 participants so the registration is obligatory. Your registration should be sent to (title: Registration BQ TrashBash).

Croatian and English

ANA POLANŠĆAK - Born in 1991 in Zagreb. Member of @UMS Agram since 2007. She has been the project manager of the club's Terrain Workshop since 2013 and the club librarian since 2014. She wrote for Figure Painter Magazine and Initiative Magazine (UK), and she was a member of the editing team of 28 Mag from 2018 to 2021. She is a professional miniaturist and the author of the blog @Gardens of Hecate.

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