Back to Basics: Fireman bust @ BQ H&MPC 2022

8th February 2022, posted by Marko Paunović

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Date and time:
Saturday 26. February 2022, 14:30-15:30

@Luka Jancic

The workshop will be a presentation of the Back to Basics product of a Fireman bust which comes with a simple and easy to follow video guide intended to help any modeler with their first steps in plastic modeling. The Back to Basics (BTB) video explains how much time is required to build the model and is divided into logical steps. This sequence of steps schematically illustrates the entire process of a model build without the use of sound. The method has been thoroughly tested and fine-tuned over the course of numerous workshops.

Due to the epidemic measures we can only accommodate 10 participants so the registration is obligatory. Your registration should be sent to (title: Registration BQ B2B).

Croatian and English

LUKA JANCIC, Creative Designer at Back 2 Basics, after completing his doctoral degree at the Faculty of Architecture also turned his attention to the field of industrial design. He regularly collaborates with a company that provides solutions in the field of product development and small series production for start-ups and established brands.

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