Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Scenery Agram 2020
Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Scenery Agram is a project that UMS Agram organises every year at the end of February and start of March in the Vladimir Horvat Gallery, ZZTK, Trg žrtava fašizma 14, Zagreb.
UMS Agram is a non-profit organization whose main interests are painting and converting of miniatures, workmanship of terrains for table-top wargaming, playing strategic table-top games along with other various activities concerning technical culture, history, fantasy and science-fiction.
The Association was formed to enable better communication and for connecting persons who have common interests in the mentioned activities as well as to improve the conditions for engaging in this highly creative hobby and to a higher level in Zagreb as well as in Croatia. Special attention is given to younger population which resulted in numerous awards by the highest authorities:
• 2009. State Award for Technical Culture Faust Vrančić;
• 2010. Annual Award of Zagreb's Association of Technical Culture Oton Kučera;
• 2011. Annual Award of Zagreb's Association of Technical Culture Oton Kučera for the UMS Agram president, Marko Paunović;
• 2012. State Award for Technical Culture Faust Vrančić for the UMS Agram president, Marko Paunović;
• 2017. Annual Award by the Croatian Association of Technical Culture for the UMS Agram president, Marko Paunović.
The first Exhibition was held in 2007 making this one a fourteenth edition!
As a part of the Exhibition, UMS Agram regularly organises Miniature Painting Workshops, Miniature Photographing Workshops, tabletop wargames demos and miniature painting competitions in order to promote technical culture and this creative manner to spend free time on. UMS Agram has full support of media which is seen in numerous newspaper articles and TV reports about the event.
This year's Exhibition was open to the public from Feb. 20 until Mar. 8 and was completely free for all the visitors. The Exhibition showed the activities and events organised by the UMS Agram team since the Association was registered until today. It was an excellent opportunitiy for all the members but also the attendies of our Workshops to exhibit their work for free. Also, it is an opportunity for all the interested to get acquanited with this part of technical culture, to see over 200 miniatures in a single place, hand crafted, assembled and painted by UMS Agram members of all ages and several dosen of hand made pieces of tabletop scenery.
UMS Agram used the venue to organise various activities and events beside the Exhibition of Miniatures and Tabletop Scenery Agram:
1. On Wednesdays (18-22h) during the Exhibition UMS Agram organised free beginner's workshops (Miniature Painting Workshop One on One) where one could learn the basics of miniature painting as well as building tabletop scenery.
2. During Saturday and Sunday Feb. 22-23 UMS Agram held a Miniature Painting Workshop – Resins and Weathering. Thirteen attendees made their own Star Wars themed diorama, painted it using special effects based on acrylic, oil and enamel base as well as using pigments trying to depict weathering effects on various materials (metal, wood, plaster etc). After completing the paintjob, the focus of the second day was adding water/fluid effects using two-component, single-component and UV resins as well as detailing by resin gels.
3. The weekend of Feb.2 – Mar. 1 was reserved for the international miniature painting competition: Black Queen Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition.
During the Black Queen Competition there were many free events organised in an effort to make this part of technical culture more popular:
• INQ28 Converting and Kitbashing Workshop by Ana Polanšćak (Feb. 29 13:00-15:00h)
• Layering Workshop by Jure Cukar (Feb. 29 15:30 – 16:30)
• Vegetation Workshop by Ana Polanšćak and Marko Paunović (Feb. 29 17:00-18:00h)
• X-Wing and Die-Cast Model Weathering Workshop by Marko Paunović (Mar. 1 11:00-13:00)
• Painting faces Workshop by Filip Kovačec (Mar. 1 14:00-16:00)
• Miniatures Fleamarket (Mar. 1 10:00-12:00h)
• Painting Booths (Feb. 29 12:00-18:00h and Mar. 1 10:00-16:00h)
The BLACK QUEEN Hobby and Miniature Painting Competition ended on Sunday Mar. 1 at 5PM with the awards ceremony. The gallery of entries can be seen here.
UMS Agram would like to take this opportunity and thank all the sponsors and donators of the competition: Grad Zagreb, Zagrebačka zajednica tehničke kulture, Carta Magica, Martin Wellberg Scenic Studios, Battlefield Berlin, Diorama Presepe, Green Stuff World, Gamer's Grass, DIY Connect, Triglav Models, Michael Kontraros Collectibles, Mr Lee's Minis, Scalebro, Secret Weapon Miniatures, Micro Art Studios i 28 Mag. For more info about the future UMS Agram events, look us up on social networks.
Text and photographs: Marko Paunović
Latest articles
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- We visited: Imp’s Shop in Ulm Domagoj Krpan, 4th February 2025
- Preparation and painting with contrast/speedpaint paints – Cthulhu Wars Mario Grgurev, 4th February 2025
Latest battle-reports
- 22nd April 2022, GW - Warhammer 40.000, Borna Pleše (Space Marines) and Kristijan Kliska (Tau Empire)
- 17th November 2021, GW - Warhammer 40.000, and Nino Marasović (Space Marines)
- 27th October 2021, GW - Warhammer 40.000, Borna Pleše (Space Marines) and Josip Strnad (Space Marines)