SUNHOLD: The First Triumvirate – Report
Sunhold:The First Triumvirate is an AoS28 event game that was held on July 2 2022 in UMS "Agram", Zagreb, Croatia.
The event that was scheduled for summer 2020, after two years of postponements due to the pandemic, finally took place as a part of our traditional Agram Arena Summer.
James (UK): „Sunhold was a fantastic experience, and definitely worth the wait. Painting a warband and seeing everyone else’s models and terrain was a sight to behold, and made me proud to be part of the “AoS28” community. Thank you to the organisers for a great set of games in a superb venue. Hope to see you all again soon!“
As with all our events the day started with setting up the venue. Putting up the banners, connecting the laptop to the overhead projector, setting up the photo area and most importantly setting up the terrain for the game before the players arrive.
The story of The First Triumvirate takes place in a territory freshly liberated from occupation by Chaos. The huge and mighty Stormhost is gone to fight somewhere else, and people are working on resettling the area: rebuilding, repopulating, starting new kingdoms on ruins of old. A small contingent of Stormcast Eternals remains to coordinate and lead these efforts. Although armies of Chaos are gone, these lands are not fully safe yet. Wild beasts, the undead and small groups of servants of Chaos are still roaming about. Each city-state and country are painstakingly reclaimed for mankind, and the execution of this effort is organized as a series of reclamation projects. Sunhold is a sprawling ruined city surrounded by plains,forests and marshes. The events of our game took place within Sunhold.
Each player took command of a small warband, representing groups that entered the city to fulfil their individual goals. They may be a part of the reclamation project and want to exterminate enemies of humanity to make the city once more habitable, or they may be a party of adventurers or bandits who wish to loot the ruins and fill their own pockets. The warbands may make alliances and collaborate, or betray and eliminate each other on their path through the ruins.
Goran: "The event overall was very nice, people really did a great job on their warbands. I endeavoured to get into the character of my warband's leader and his accompanying jester, which looked to have a positive effect on everyone's enjoyment of the game. The terrain and narrative, as well as the rules seemed a great fit for such a roleplaying/dungeon crawling experience. Overall, Ivan and Ana did an outstandingly good job preparing the story, characters, rules and terrain, and it would have been a shame not to enjoy the fruits of such an effort."
Witold (Pol): "From the modelling side of things, I was surprised how much fun it is to use Perry, North Star, and Wargames Atlantic miniatures to make a converted adventuring party, and not using anything by Games Workshop for a change. Great proportions, low level of detail that lets me focus on what is really important... They look very human (or very spider, in case of a few models of mine), grounded and subtle. I may want to make a whole army of these, now."
UMS Agram has a tradition of awarding the best painted models/armies at our events, a chance we could not miss at this visually stunning event. In the end the award went to Vladimir Matić-Kuriljov from Serbia for his hand sculpted dwarf warband
Vladimir: "It is always an honor to be invited to a game organized by Ana Polanšćak. Her dedication drives me to do not just my best, but to push beyond what I thought were my limits, and so it was this time around. Even though I started gaming with miniatures I sculpted myself, it took me years and years to gather the confidence to do so again."
Before the gallery of the miniatures used, UMS Agram would like to thank Ana and Ivan Polanšćak for organizing and running the event. Also we would like to thank our guests from France, UK, Poland and Serbia (Seraphim Soupizet, James Stone, Witold Krawczyk and Vladimir) as well as Cody Taylor and Matt Ross from USA and Simon Schießl from Germany who were kind enough to make and send their models especially for the event. A big shoutout to Nicolas Evans of UK who made the Sunhold logo pins for the event!
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