Turm 2023 Report
Turm 2023 is a part of Agram Arena Summer event series organised by UMS "Agram" and Gardens of Hecate in July 2023 in Zagreb, Croatia.
The event started on Friday with an introductionary dinner and drinks. On Saturday, the organizers set up the venue and met the participants for an early coffee before the event itself. During the day, organized lunch was available at a local diner while the aftershow was organized at a local pub.
The Tower City, home for centuries to the yellow-robed necromancers, was hit by a devastating bolt from the sky and reduced to rubble. In the damp caves beneath the deep dungeons of the city dwells their god Vvolos who eats souls and shits gold. You are here to plunder their riches. But beware! There will be resistance from the still surviving Cult of Vvolos: the council of necromancers, with their living and their undead minions. And, you are not the only one coming to Turm to pillage!
The event used the original Forbidden Psalm rulebook, along with scenarios and monsters created by the organizer for the event. The scenarios and monster stats were revealed on the day of the event. Each player played a campaign of FOUR games during the event day. The first three games were encounters against a single opponent, in which the goal is to collect treasure. The player with most treasures collected over three games was awarded the title of Marauder which this year went to Vane Dolenc.
A warband can also make a name for themselves by killing monsters and incapacitating other player characters. The player whose warband made the most monster kills and PC downs in the first three games was awarded the title of Slayer. This year the title went to Miran Bratuš.
The fourth and final game was a battle royale. Each player selected a single model from their warband as their champion, and fought to the death against the other players' champions. The last one standing was the winner and was awarded the title of Triumphator. Miran Bratuš won that prize as well!
Modelling and painting is a massive part of the hobby. It was a point to make sure the warbands looked their best for the sake of making the event as cool as possible. The best painted warband by a single painter was awarded a prize which went to Vladimir Matić-Kuriljev, while the best minis in the event were awarded the BEST OF SHOW award by UMS "Agram". That prize went to the beautifully painted warband by multiple authors (Giacomo Lunardon, Eugenio Gavaretto, Fabio Veronelli, Giuseppe Del Buono, Brian Roussel and Marcello Rizza).
Photos of the miniatures can be found here.
Vane: "Thanks again to our hosts Ana, Marko and the rest of UMS "Agram" for excellent organization and prep, fully featured tables and enemies, perfectly presented scenarios and prizes, and thanks to our new gaming friends Cameron, Luder, Marcello and Vlad for exceptionally pleasant games all day long. It was absolutely lovely meeting you all."
Luka: "What Vane put better than I could, it was absolutely amazing and for someone with no previous tournamet or participatory game experience, the bar has been set exceptionally high for that aspect of the hhobby in terms of organization, hospitality, kindness, sportsmanship, passion, cooperation and allround dedication to this illusive concept of narrative tabletop gaming. It inspired me to get better at hobbying and to seek out opportunirties for more shared experiences with all you wonderful peeps, be it online, or, hopefully soon, in person!"
Cameron: "Thank you all for making my first trip out this special. I loved learning about Croatia and all that it has, as well as how you all found yourself in this hobby. Everyone here was just wonderful, and I hope we can stay in touch and meet again!"
Marcello: "Meeting each one of you, the event, tha chats... was a blast! Thanks to each one of you for being so welcoming and friendly! Thanks again, Ana, for bringin to life such sweet situation!"
Vlad: "Thanks everyone for an amazing experience, it was truly lovely meeting y'all and hopefully there will be more events like this in the future! And huge congrats to Ana for another blazing success and thanks ofr allowing everyone to participate in this truly unique vision of grimdark!"
UMS "Agram" would like to thank our partners and sponsors Gardens of Hecate, Ramshackle Games and Bestiarum Games for making this event possible as well as all the players and participants on the day of the event!
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